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Bar Debit Holding Fees?

Kevin R.

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Anyone work/worked at a bar?


Long story short I cracked a well-deserving dude in the face at a bar on Wednesday and got kicked out.


I had a tab open and left my card. I go home and immediately check my account, just curious as to what I had spent. It had a $94 debit. I only had a $16 tab. So, I call Key Bank and they shut down the card and say to call them back if I go to the bar the next day it is wrong so they can dispute it.


The next day I check my online account, and the $94 charge has been reversed and there is a $16 charge in its place. Fine, end of ordeal. I don't even go pick up my card because it is canceled anyways.


Fast-forward to Saturday, and there is a $140 debit from my account from this bar marked 6/5/09 when my card was canceled on 6/1/09. Plus, the $16 I actually spent is still deducted.


WTF? :confused:


Is there some fucked up holding fee for me not going back and closing my tab? How do they know I know where it is and don't just think of it as lost?

Additionally, I heard from someone this weekend that the guy I hit might be a bartender there. Could I be getting fucked with? (don't know how he would know my name though)


I just wanted to find out if there is some wack fee or holding charge so I don't go ape shit tomorrow.

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why the F would your bank let it go thru 4 days after they closed the card?


They will be getting asked the same question by me in a less-than-kind tone tomorrow. I could understand it going through if it was pending the whole time....but it just showed up.


Even if I cannot get anywhere with the bar, Key better give me my money back for this reason alone.

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Thats why you NEVER start a fight with an open tab! Then again Im sure you couldnt really wait to close it out then knock that fucker out. Curious, why did you do it?


because he was "a well-deserving dude"...duh!

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I've seen this happen before; I had a friend in a similar situation at a bar in Dublin. We had to leave and he forgot his card. The recipient of his fist-blows found his card and ran his own tab up on my friend's card in retaliation.
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I've been to a bar here in Columbus that had a sign up saying a $___ fee will be charged to all tabs left open. It was all over the bar... I can't remember where it was at, but it was a flat fee, and not that much, maybe $10-$15 I guess it can be done. Although in your situation, it sounds like someone may be fucking with you. G/L, I hate dealing with the bank.
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This happened to me before at Lodgebar because some bitchass said I was in, "his" spot infront of the stage for the hot body contest... So I pretty much told him to get lost. Well to end that story, I was carried out of the bar with beer in hand and an open tab which they would NOT let me close. Next morning there's over $200 dollars on my tab and they said they didn't have my card.. so basically it was stolen from the bartender, by someone who obviously wasn't me.
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This is why I close every bar purchase. No "open" shit. They authorize your card for like $100, so if you run up that kind of tab, it's covered. It takes days for it to go away and see the $16 you spent. I've called bars before on this.
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Thats why you NEVER start a fight with an open tab! Then again Im sure you couldnt really wait to close it out then knock that fucker out. Curious, why did you do it?


He wouldn't stop creepily touching a girl I was with despite her asking him to stop 10+ stern times. Obviously she couldn't do anything more herself so I took care of it for her.

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They authorize your card for like $100, so if you run up that kind of tab, it's covered. It takes days for it to go away and see the $16 you spent. I've called bars before on this.


See, this is what I believe the $94 was. But, now there is this $140 debit that makes absolutely no sense.


Printing my statement and heading to the bar in a bit...I want to see them explain a charge on a canceled card 5 days later. :ninja:

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Should I even take this up with the bar? Or just straight call the bank? It is obvious the bar fraudulently charged a canceled card....


Only deal with the bank. After they get your side of it, they'll deal w/ the bar.

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