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Blocking xbox 360 hours


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Funny thing is.. My parents tried taking both gaming consoles, and PC away from me when my grades were shitty in middle school and it didn't change a damn thing. I just found OTHER things to do other than my homework.


Perhaps taking away the Xbox completely isn't a solution, but try spending more time with him doing his homework. Sit him down at least an hour a night and help him get his work done, he's not going to do it himself if you aren't watching over him.


And no, I'm not saying do the work for him, but watch over him and encourage him.


I did a test of this last month. I took the laptop and the xbox away for a month. His grades went up because he knew how important they were. I saw his grades go up, made a deal with him and then 2-3 weeks after he got them back, grades went back down.

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take it away from him, otherwise he'll end up like my old roommate. Hes 21, and doesnt do shit except smoke weed and play games ALL FUCKING DAY. im talkin, id be leaving for work @ 7am, and he's passed out on the couch with the 360 controller on his chest. I stop home on break around noon, and he's balls deep into a game. i come home after work around 5 and he is STILL balls deep into a fucking game. never leaves the house at all unless its to go pickup some weed or cigarettes. Doesn't even party or anything. shit just bothers me. I had to move out because it was pissin me off to the point where i didn't even wanna be friends with him any more, so i moved out to preserve our friendship i guess. /rant


anyways no disrespect intended man, but take all of his xbox rights. if he sees that you are leniant on your punishments then he will expect that in the future as well. good luck

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take it away from him, otherwise he'll end up like my old roommate. Hes 21, and doesnt do shit except smoke weed and play games ALL FUCKING DAY. im talkin, id be leaving for work @ 7am, and he's passed out on the couch with the 360 controller on his chest. I stop home on break around noon, and he's balls deep into a game. i come home after work around 5 and he is STILL balls deep into a fucking game. never leaves the house at all unless its to go pickup some weed or cigarettes. Doesn't even party or anything. shit just bothers me. I had to move out because it was pissin me off to the point where i didn't even wanna be friends with him any more, so i moved out to preserve our friendship i guess. /rant


anyways no disrespect intended man, but take all of his xbox rights. if he sees that you are leniant on your punishments then he will expect that in the future as well. good luck


I think that probably has more to do with the weed than the game. I tend to think kids generally mean well but they're constantly maturing and learning. You just have to give them some guidance here and there. It's not the end of the world if buck doesn't take the xbox from him and it's not like he'll graduate to robbing liquor stores and killing hookers. Buck is just looking for a way to limit his son while still being able to enjoy it himself. Nothing wrong with that. Just might not be able to have it both ways and need to come up with an alternate plan. You guys without kids will learn all this one day.....having kids can be a pain in the ass at times but there are far more good things than bad about having kids.

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