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Candy Review - Bacon Gumballs


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There was no typo Bacon Gumballs you read it right. I was curious because who has ever told you "I had gum that tasted like bacon" before? I made an order and today they arrived along with some other goodies.


They come in a metal box with 22 pieces. After I took off the plastic wrapper I smelled the tin. A faint smell of bacon whiffs into my nose. I open the tin and I see small red gumballs. I take another whiff and the smell is stronger but it smells fake. I remember a really long time ago one of the fast food places offered scented markers in their "kids meal". One was supposed to smell like a campfire or burning wood. It was a very pleasant smell to my nose at the time. That is sort of how these smell but with a side of bacon.


1 piece is not enough for a decent chew but I start out with one to begin with. Instantly I feel the normal sweet taste of original flavored cheap bubble gum on my tongue mixed in with a not so nice bacon flavor. The bacon flavor isn't horrible or nauseating but waffle house bacon tastes better then this. It is kind of like taking that cheap gum you used to get at Halloween called "Pal" and adding an even cheaper taste of bacon.


Within 2 minutes the flavor is gone and it tastes like Pal gum after the flavor wore off. It probably wears off in less then 2 minutes but what can you expect for Pal gum? I discarded this piece and tried another one just for fun. Again with the instant sweet taste plus bacon hits my mouth. I give up after a few chews and spit it out.


Now 5 minutes later my mouth still tastes like fake bacon.


I give it 2 and half bacon strips out of 5.


Check it out here if you want to buy it http://www.thinkgeek.com/caffeine/wacky-candy/b96c/

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The flavor in these may last a bit longer.




I have a buddy that made some homemade bacon ice cream. He said it was very good, but I think I'd have a tough time with it.


Here's the recipe he used - http://www.davidlebovitz.com/archives/2008/03/candied_bacon_i_1.html

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The flavor in these may last a bit longer.




I have a buddy that made some homemade bacon ice cream. He said it was very good, but I think I'd have a tough time with it.


Here's the recipe he used - http://www.davidlebovitz.com/archives/2008/03/candied_bacon_i_1.html


Yeah someone at work was going to go in and buy some of these with me. That never happened I still might try them by myself for fun.

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