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who works for a cable company

Big A

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Well who does? Moving out in July and thought i would see if anyone here works at one. I know some people in the past have but wasnt sure who still did. Mostly looking at insight(suggest by apt comany) and wow just trying to compair prices, make sure they are in the area and see if anyone on the inside has any recommendations. Or if anyone has either go ahead and post up your likes and dislikes.
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WOW hands down.


Good Customer Service

Good prices

Decent packages

Speed is on Digital Basic, and so is BBCA for Top Gear


112 a month gets us digi-basic, 8mb cable internet, and one tv with HBO.. (i odnt know if we should have a DVR for that price, we use Tivo, and have never asked for one)


Nitrousbird works for WOW and will agree

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I work for WOW.


It is amazing how many people try out Uverse and come back to us within two weeks or less.


PM me an address and I can see if we service your new home.


We are also launching some more HD channels very soon, and are rolling out our digital simulcast. Science HD, TBS HD, and Speed HD are all coming very soon.


10TV Weather (101), and we are the only provider to carry it, has just been released to us and is supposed to be very good.

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I had WOW at my old apartment and everytime I called CS it was a headache. I hated it. Now I have TW and get everychannel I could ever want in HD, NHL network, DVR, and internet for ~$90 a month.
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I have uverse, its works well. I upgraded to the 18Mbps internet, and am on the 200channel pack with HD.




-Fast internet up and down

-DVR records up to 4 shows at once

-Price is very competitive possibly cheaper (deals get thrown around and changed so much I'd rather know the "regular" rates from providers anyway)

-Wifi router provided with service (not that I needed it but what the hell)

-Instant Channel change is pretty accurate

-Play DVR recordings from any room.




-Service is new and there are hiccups from time to time (for me its a weird audo/video skip about once a week or so, not something I actually notice but it is there)

-HD video compression could be better (but 99% of people viewing wouldn't ever notice that, and as VDSL2 rolls out that that will be cleaned up area by area)

-As of now only 2 simultaneous HD streams or HD-DVR recordings (VDSL2 applies here too)

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Wow is not bad, i couldnt be happier with my insight tho. Free hd, like 89 a month for cable and interweb after tax and late fee. lol.


I've been an Insight Customer for 6 years myself and have never had any issues. My parent's have had them since they were coaxial back in the day.

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My gripe about wow is there network.

Yes, I sure do enjoy the inconsistant speeds that Time Warner provides. Hell of a network I tell ya.


Sadly, we are stuck with TW at our new house too. :( Only thing there is TW or even worse, Verizon DSL. :(

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Last Result:

Download Speed: 14574 kbps (1821.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 1787 kbps (223.4 KB/sec transfer rate)


All 3 of my cable modems are pretty close to the same. Even my one that is docsis 1.0 and on a regula RR turbo account.

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If your speeds are bncing around let me know. I can take a look at your lines because in a avg neighbor hood the speeds should be pretty dead on all the time.


We split nodes when ever they are over saturdated.


Just pm me your mac address or ip i will look

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If your speeds are bncing around let me know. I can take a look at your lines because in a avg neighbor hood the speeds should be pretty dead on all the time.


We split nodes when ever they are over saturdated.


Just pm me your mac address or ip i will look


Moving in a week, so I don't care at thing point; hell it can go out and I'll just use my broadband card. Levels are dead on, don't fluctuate, SNR good, no packet loss. Happens during peak useage times mostly.


Or I can take a trip to my rental house with WOW and get consistant 15+ Mbps down / 2Mbps up all day long. :)



Fix your BS DVR software, now that's the real issue. Hunk of shit, period. Random slow-downs, takes FOREVER to boot up, randomly decides to delay when trying to fast forward/rewind. Seems like the last firmware update sent out at least fixed the delay that was so bad you couldn't fast forward at all on random recorded programs (it would pause for 20 seconds then just play again). Oh well, I'm stuck with TW here and at the new place, so I'll just have to deal with it. :(

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