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Why Is Rob Banned?

Kurt B.

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I know this will either get locked fast, or altogether deleted. Right now I could care less if I get kicked off CR. Those who know me know I do not participate in any shit talking or bullshit. The crap that is going on b/t Gearheadz and IPS is business related, good or bad, right or wrong. If the man has an opinion about who is running their mouth at his shop, so be it. "There is to be no Vendor/Sponsor bashing on CR", It doesn't say anything about bashing on each other, if that were the case there would be no "CR!" People get banned for a variety or reasons here, not as many get banned that should IMO. But when there is a collective agreement b/t moderators that "could" affect a man's way to make a living it pisses me off. Who am I? Probably a nobody in most peoples eyes here. But this bullshit is stupid, I'm done here.
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It has nothing to do with IPS. It has to do with Rob's attitude towards other members, including his customer base, and his "witch hunt" against CR members.


Rob has been repeatedly warned that the members of CR, as well as the staff, are getting less and less tolerant of his disposition. He was also warned on numerous occasions from I dunno how many members that his posts were being scrutinized closely and it was harming his business.


The recent ban was set by another member of this board for Rob's hostile attitude towards the members of CR, which also bring him 99% of his business. In question? The threat against 01Stang for being a "snitch" about another member's car being at his shop, then not only enforcing that rumor, but now telling people that said member was trying to get people arrested and introducing a forged letter to the security at Iron Pony as well as the local police.


Fucking come the fuck on, Kurt. What if it were you? Would you like it if someone you've brought business to decided to have it all out with you over a rumor and threatened to kick your ass? Many people saw this, and many people are fed up with it.


Due to the nature of his post, he was banned for three days for threatening another member of CR using this messageboard, which has always been a staple rule.


So take it as you will. If you wanna leave CR, that's on you. But listen to the true facts and decide for yourself. Now people know why I have my fucking phone turned off this weekend, I, as well as the majority of CR, are sick of the drama.


Oh, if anyone has issues with how this is being handled, PM me.

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I didn't ban him and there was no collective agreement on it, but iirc he got a 3-day for instigating shit in the Iron Pony thread saying he was a snitch or something. Your place of employment is your living but if you acted out of line I'm sure they can suspend you too. I'm neutral in the whole sponsor drama thing, and have personal friends with both.


Oh and everybody is a somebody here :)


This is bullshit, if every person on here who instigated something got banned you Mod's fingers would have gotten worn out a long time ago. Are people on here afraid of pissing off IPS or something, everyone says they want to remain "neutral" in all this crap, but both parties can run their mouths and now Rob get banned because of a little snitch comment? Seems biased to me. Just because whats going on b/t these two shops dosent get posted up on here, alot of the people around both shop's have alot to say, know exactly what is going on, and they are all CR members. So you can throw that neutral shit out the window.

This is crap.

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I don't know about this other crazy shit but the guy made a post on CR (come the fuck on, this site is perfect for grapevine drama so it won't go overlooked for long) that gave information that wasn't supposed to be on here. Some people are cock-juggling thunder cunts, and, that kid is one of them.
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I don't know about this other crazy shit but the guy made a post on CR (come the fuck on, this site is perfect for grapevine drama so it won't go overlooked for long) that gave information that wasn't supposed to be on here. Some people are cock-juggling thunder cunts, and, that kid is one of them.


The guy was fed wrong information.


<------- This guys tired of bullshit.


Call me already, or at least get on IMs.

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I'm not afraid of pissing off anyone if they mess with me personally, but nobody here has. Sometimes I grab a beer with Brandon, sometimes I hang out at Rob's garage on weekends.. I'm neutral when it comes to their business between. When somebody breaks the forum rules - whether it's some cat who joined a month ago or an old fart from the beginning, moderators/admins do their job.


Coming over personally attack you... then I'll play a song about it on guitar in your living room.

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