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whack nut job sueing school board


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This guy burnt crosses into students arms. I mean really .


How the hell do you sue when you do shit like that? That's not even touching on his wonderful attempt at discrediting evolution.



Ya know that if your so concerned about you beliefs go teach at a private school where you can rape little boys and burn crosses all day long.



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Things sound sketchy. I'm not sure I'd believe all the accusations. I've seen students effectively get rid of a teacher they don't like with dishonesty. If not complete lies at least some embellishment...


I wouldn't join the lynching mob just yet. Do you really think a guy would take it this far if he was as guilty as he's being made out to be?

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Don't believe everything you read in the papers. So why did the rest of the students not get burned? Student have been doing the same experiment for years, no one else has been burnt.


Where is the ACLU why are they not defending this guy? Oh wait they are anti christian like thorne.


So much for the tolerance of the left.

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Don't believe everything you read in the papers. So why did the rest of the students not get burned? Student have been doing the same experiment for years, no one else has been burnt.


Where is the ACLU why are they not defending this guy? Oh wait they are anti christian like thorne.


So much for the tolerance of the left.


I've seen the pictures of the students who got burnt and told they were gay sinners.

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Don't believe everything you read in the papers. So why did the rest of the students not get burned? Student have been doing the same experiment for years, no one else has been burnt.


Where is the ACLU why are they not defending this guy? Oh wait they are anti christian like thorne.


So much for the tolerance of the left.


I have 0 tolerance for stupidity sorry.



Don't preach your garbage to public schools plain and simple.


Don't burn crosses in students arms and call them gay sinners


If you can't teach the SCIENCE then don't be a teacher.



I'm so sick of hearing ID / Creaitonism

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Stop talking about school Thorne. It's painfully obvious that you didn't make any use of your time there. I guess you were sick of hearing about spelling too.
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Stop talking about school Thorne. It's painfully obvious that you didn't make any use of your time there. I guess you were sick of hearing about spelling too.


I <3 hal. Kenny's Legacy live son .





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I'm going to second what V8Killer said, there is a lot more to this story then is getting reported. This is less about religion and more about small town politics.

Don't get me wrong, Freshwater is a pile of shit, but there is way more to this story then is getting reported.

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I'm going to second what V8Killer said, there is a lot more to this story then is getting reported. This is less about religion and more about small town politics.

Don't get me wrong, Freshwater is a pile of shit, but there is way more to this story then is getting reported.


I dont know the guy, but I do agree this is about small town politics.

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Actually it started being a real issue when parents were complained to by students about being ABUSED.




Like I said if you can't leave your fairytales at home don't teach. I'm not referring to Christianity as a hole I'm referring to anyone who's touhting the earth is 6000 years old.





But Lynda Weston, the district's director of teaching and learning, told investigators that she has dealt with complaints about Freshwater for much of her 11-year term at the district, the report said.




Rick don't defend Child abuse.

Would you defend that priest who was giving anotmy lessons too?


Take of your christianity veil and look at this as plain and simple abuse.


Lets change it


Instead of toughting his christians beliefs he was preaching Muslim values. Would you be defending him still?

Edited by Thorne
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Don't believe everything you read in the papers. So why did the rest of the students not get burned? Student have been doing the same experiment for years, no one else has been burnt.


Where is the ACLU why are they not defending this guy? Oh wait they are anti christian like thorne.


So much for the tolerance of the left.



Though I agree that more investigation needs to be done, and it needs to be thoroughly proven that the burnings occurred before the man loses his job. The above quoted is along the same lines of saying "well 'so and so' says she was raped, but no one else around her was raped so she's a liar !!!" Point being that even if it only occurred one time and one time alone, that's already one-time too many.


The rightwingers jumped on this guys nuts cause he wanted a bible on his desk, so they rallied round the flag, and got all worked up for the cause. Then all the "psycho burnings" shit surfaced and everyone is still too stubborn to just back away and say "we might've been wrong about this guy, lets look at the evidence".


I mean, I've heard people in the news say ...


Don't you know that students are capable of lying about things. He's innocent, a student told me so !!!



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Actually it started being a real issue when parents were complained to by students about being ABUSED.




Like I said if you can't leave your fairytales at home don't teach. I'm not referring to Christianity as a hole I'm referring to anyone who's touhting the earth is 6000 years old.









Rick don't defend Child abuse.

Would you defend that priest who was giving anotmy lessons too?


Take of your christianity veil and look at this as plain and simple abuse.


Lets change it


Instead of toughting his christians beliefs he was preaching Muslim values. Would you be defending him still?

Listen Thorne,


You have to be one of the most intolerant people I have ever came across!


The issue did not start with the kid ans his burnt arm. The flap started about the bible on the desk. I happen to work less than two miles from the school and treat many teachers and students from the school. I have heard the stories from first hand accounts, people that were there the day the "burn" was suppose to happen. This kids did not get burnt at school. They kid and his parent are looking for a cash settlement from this. They only came out about this once the bible crap started.


The school board has people on it that are anti christian like you. they did not like the fact that Freshwater did not take his bible away at their command. that is the bottom line.

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There board is not being ANTI Christian.

There being ANTI STUPID.


Being christian is one thing. Believing we came from a Magical being in the sky who Loves us but demands children killed in the past along with smashing babys heads against rocks.

Psalm 136.8-9: On 'dashing infants against a rock'

Wretched daughter of Babylon! blessed shall he be who shall reward thee as thou hast rewarded us. Blessed shall he be who shall seize and dash thine infants against the rock.


If you take the bible as way of life your just fucked up. Everyone picks and chooses the parts they listen to and ignore. The people I herd Whining about ID and The fundamentals of Christianity. Lets see them address the following


If your going to defend ID I Challange you to go ahead and defend the other parts of your bible. You can't pick and choose. ITs nothing to with intolerance of christianity its to do with intolerance of JUNK being taught to kids as science when its nothing more then a fairytale.



ID and Creationism was pushed by this teacher according to report. Also it was not aHUGE issue till kids stepped forward about being burned. This guy never denied dooing the burnings he claimed there were X's

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OK Rick address the following or admit I'm right.


Occasionally God will require you to kill your daughter as a “burnt” human sacrifice to him.

Judges 11:31-39


Just in case you want to sell your daughter as a sex slave, God teaches us the proper procedure.

Exodus 21:7


If your home is ever attacked by an angry drunken mob, offer your daughter to them to take turns repeatedly raping her until she is dead. This is necessary to save yourself and other guests of your home. If that doesn’t work, offer them a concubine instead.

Judges 19:22-29


If your daughter is disobedient or dishonors you, stone her to death.

Exodus 21:17, Deuteronomy 21:20-21, Leviticus 20:9, Matthew 15:3-4, Mark 7:9-13


If your daughter is engaged to be married and is raped, take her to the gate of the city and stone her to death. She must die because she didn’t scream loud enough for help. This is proof she enjoyed being raped.

Deuteronomy 22:23-24


If your daughter is engaged to be married and is raped, take her to the gate of the city and stone her to death. She must die because she didn’t scream loud enough for help. This is proof she enjoyed being raped.

Deuteronomy 22:23-24

Now if your going to DEFEND your 6000 year creationist complete and utter garbage defend the verses above.


Don't give me that Jesus made it all better. So god's infallible but he kills those and treats women as second rate people.


You can't pick and choose your bible. Address it all or Shut the fuck up and stop pushing your BULL SHIT on kids. Its child abuse to push a child to follow the bible. Its full of garabage.


Lets go with a few.


Eve seduces her son who killed his brother.

Thats not the only incest. Lets talk about the daughters who get there dad drunk and have incestial sex.



I have no problems with Christians I have problems with Christians who think there way is so high and mighty because the bible says it so. Well if your going to say that then you have to address the other parts.


Ya know the parts you don't hear about and you only know if you've read the word yourself.


Don't give me the jesus blah blah crap. If that's the case then the 10 commandments are no longer valid.


If gods perfect why do you not follow his rules from his book to a T ?



I bet anything you will call me some name or say I'm stupid and will not address my concerns.

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I won't even take time to address the bible promoting slavery.



I want to see you try and answer tihs. Actually I'm willing to sit down with you or you pastor in person and go over every one of the concerns I had that finally made me wake up and say Christianity is wrong and is harmful to children.

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Can't we all just agree that middle-eastern religions are stupid ?


No ... we can't? That's what we've been arguing about this whole topic ? Ohhhhh ... I was totally off then, then we should all just get along instead, and go to a nice restaurant and have a steak. Medium rare please :)

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