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building a deck-


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anyone done this on their own or with help (ie, not hiring a company)? have any suggestions? maybe ideas on what it may cost to build? im finally coming across some $$ i've been waiting for, and theres a couple things here at my house i want to get done ASAP...i thought i wanted it to be about 15x20, but after going out with measuring tape, im thinking 16x22 is going to be a little better. it wont sit high off the ground (1-2' max) and it will be over my brick patio thats out there now. i know im going to have to get 2x8's to anchor into the house, 4x4s cemented into the ground, decking, railing, etc. ill have a couple sets of hands helping me out...just want to know if theres anything to watch out for.
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I have built several. Check with your city to see if a permit is required. Inspections and permits can add to your overall cost. Really consider buying alternative materials such as the composite decking. While it is a higher initial cost, it significantly increases the decks value and saves in maintenance which is reuired every few years. And you will get tired of doing it or paying to have it done. As stated call for utility location before starting. Find someone to keep you motivated. Prepare to rent an auger. Dont skimp on supports or concrete. Have a firm structural plan in place before starting. Dont be afraid to ask for help.
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tim - i planned on leaving the brick patio there, and if i need to put a support post, remove what i need to add it, instead of tearing up everything. extra hands would be sweet. im sure its gonna end up taking me a few weekends, unless i just take off a week from work to burn up my PTO and knock it all out...


how much do permits cost to add a deck?

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eh. not horrible, i guess. im gonna talk it over w/ my g/fs dad tomorrow. he used to build houses, so hopefully he can help me with a deck. only thing is, he's got a bum arm and will be out of comission for a few months. the good side of his bum arm? hes been out of work for over 2 years, and has nothing to do all day, so he loves to get out and do something whenever he can. :)
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tim - i planned on leaving the brick patio there, and if i need to put a support post, remove what i need to add it, instead of tearing up everything. extra hands would be sweet. im sure its gonna end up taking me a few weekends, unless i just take off a week from work to burn up my PTO and knock it all out...



Sounds good, just let me know when, I'll be happy to help out some.

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Also consider giving sam or eric(ls-oned) an opportunity to quote you a new stone patio. Those are the shit right now and really increase a homes value come resale.


i thought about redoing the stone, but i think im going to like having a deck more than a new stone patio. i did the lowes design builder thing, and it lists everything needed, but doesnt even have a price estimate for all the pieces. im hoping i can do it for under $2k

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Happy Birthday, Evan!


I'll have a Yuengling this evening in your honor.


thanks! i get to get up tomorrow, work another 8 hours, and get some dinner on my g/fs parents.


to me, its just another day anymore. i remember when there was usually something to be excited for on birthdays (drivers license, buy tobacco/lottery tickets, booze)...the only thing im waiting on now is golden buckeye. HA

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when built my deck I did it free standing (not attached to the house). Its 20x16 and at the time cost about 1500. I did not need a permit since it was free standing and the surface hieght was under 3 feet but that may have changed since then.


Now when we built our deck we never planed on having railings we were going to build benches on the side. So that price was before we put railings up. Once that boys were born railings were a must and we had another 500 in the railings. The deck itself took me and one other person a weekend to build that was everything from digging holes to final cleanup. The railing took a weekend as well. Would have been able to do it quicker but I notched the 4x4 for the support 2x4 .


here are some pics






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now one thing you will notice that the right side railing is warped to shit. Wood will warp no way to stop it. Either end of this year or next spring we plan on pulling the rail back off and going with our orginal plan and put in low set benches. Also if you don't have one get a good cordless drill bigest I would go is 14.4v anything bigger will turn your arm to jello after a hr of use :lol:. I got my dewalt for under 100 with 2 batteries and it will charge up the dead one before the other battery is dead from use.
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I've help build 2, the permit is the main thing to watch out for, like someone said the fine is way more than the permit. The city costs for the permits vary, westerville is around 100, grove city is around 50 if I remember.


Also you may want to think ahead as far as treating the wood, I highly recommend water sealing your deck as soon as possible.

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Designed and built mine 9 years ago.


DO GET A PERMIT! If you have pissed your neighbors off at any time, not having a permit opens the door for payback. My jackass neighbor acroos the street had been harrassing me for parking (legally) on the street in front of her house. She would leave nasty notes and even emptied her vacuum bag on my hood.


Years later, she had a local unlicensed handyman knowingly building her a deck without a permit. I waited until the decking was finished, but not the railings, and called the city. He had to dismantle and dig up the entire structure and start again, at her expense. Payback is a bitch.




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I've help build 2, the permit is the main thing to watch out for, like someone said the fine is way more than the permit. The city costs for the permits vary, westerville is around 100, grove city is around 50 if I remember.


Also you may want to think ahead as far as treating the wood, I highly recommend water sealing your deck as soon as possible.


New decks I believe should sit a year before sealing.

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