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Iraqi woman had 80 women raped then recruited as suicide bombers


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Wow. Just wow.

The human mind is a powerful thing. I don't know what's more impressive, wielding the necessary skills of manipulation to convince people to "martyr" themselves, or the faith / belief in religion and society you have to have as an Islamic woman to be willing to commit suicide as penance for an act you were an unwilling participant in? :nono: Horrible.


A WOMAN suspected of recruiting more than 80 female suicide bombers has confessed to organizing their rapes so she could later convince them that martyrdom was the only way to escape the shame. Samira Jassam, 51, was arrested by Iraqi police and confessed to recruiting the women and orchestrating dozens of attacks.

In a video confession, she explained how she had mentally prepared the women for martyrdom operations, passed them on to terrorists who provided explosives, and then took the bombers to their targets.

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What surprises me most about it is the fact it was a woman perpetuating it....Against other women no less. Aren't they supposed to be the fairer/kinder/more nurturing sex????

Not to mention all that "Ya Ya Sisterhood" & "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" crap :rolleyes:

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  • 5 months later...
One could just as easily argue that a lack of religion ALWAYS = disaster. I chalk it up to religious fanaticism preying on the minds of the weak and afraid. Organized or not..

Maybe... but how many times do you hear about encampments of agnostics recruiting suicide bombers, blowing up abortion clinics, or sewing their daughter's cooty-cats closed to ensure their virginity when they let their 65-year-old preacher marry them?

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Maybe... but how many times do you hear about encampments of agnostics recruiting suicide bombers, blowing up abortion clinics, or sewing their daughter's cooty-cats closed to ensure their virginity when they let their 65-year-old preacher marry them?

One must wond whether that is truly religion at work, or societal constraints acting under the guise of faulty religious interpretation. I don't recall any verses in the Qu'Ran, Torah, Bible or elsewhere claiming, "Shalt thou seweth thy daughter's privates together and shalt thou multilate her thereto with sharp rocks and rusty knives, so to preserveth her virginity."

Just my .02... most "religious atrocities" happen when there is no religious practice to speak of going on.

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One must wond whether that is truly religion at work, or societal constraints acting under the guise of faulty religious interpretation. I don't recall any verses in the Qu'Ran, Torah, Bible or elsewhere claiming, "Shalt thou seweth thy daughter's privates together and shalt thou multilate her thereto with sharp rocks and rusty knives, so to preserveth her virginity."

Just my .02... most "religious atrocities" happen when there is no religious practice to speak of going on.

The problem IS when fallible human beings try to interpret shit, especially when the interpretations are intended to serve someone's purposes... which are usually to wield power over someone else. Examples:

King James version of the bible... rewritten by said monarch for political gain

Crusades... Christians thinking they needed to 'save' people of the east LOL

Spanish Inquisition.. Christians of Brand A torturing and murdering Christians of Brand B, talk about splitting hairs, jeesh

Middle Eastern and Northern African Muslims will happily yank out pieces of the Koran to explain why all the infidels must die

Taliban... 100% based in religion. disaster, disaster, more disaster

Branch Davidian.. Heaven's Gate... nuff said

just about any mass suicide you can think of... all Churchy McChurchersons

Now you got these Bible nuts out on the West Coast letting their kids die of a paper cut rather than take them to the doctor for a band-aid because "the LAWD is our doctor!"

And do not even get me started on the BLACK church, and how none have them have changed since slavery, and all their member being just fine with that.

OK this post is long and boring but yeah anyway... religion is a train wreck, and just another excuse to be divisive and judgmental, and we are all better off without it.

Edited by ChickOn2
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The problem IS when fallible human beings try to interpret shit, especially when the interpretations are intended to serve someone's purposes... which are usually to wield power over someone else. Examples:

It is of course up to individual humans to think for themselves, though, isn't it?

The Crusades, by the way, were wars for Jerusalem trade routes, not for conversion. the more you know.jpg

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Human history is littered with evils carried out in the name of various organized religions. Quite simply, any time people allow some other people to interpret/ dictate their beliefs for them, then the people doing the dictating end up with unimaginable power. Organized religion is an extremely effective way of controlling people, getting them to serve your ends-- is it any surprise that it's often used to serve ends which any sane person would recognize as vile and hideous?

Never, ever, ever trust someone who claims to be speaking on a deity's behalf.

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I don't think it would be accurate to conflate religious leaders with elected officials or the judiciary-

In addition to being elected (and therefore, ostensibly, replaceable), they work within a framework that is designed to allow re-evaluation and interpretation. It's part of what keeps the constitution a 'living document'. It's supposed to be able to move forward in time, otherwise only white land-owners over 21 would be allowed to vote.

And anyway, the judiciary has the ability to check what congress does, and confirm or deny its constitutionality- show me an organized religion whose holy texts are subject to constant review, and whose leaders are elected in a democratic fashion-- if it exists, it's certainly not one of the major ones.

I have plenty of problems with people within our government (on both sides) and with the way we've allowed the democratic process to be co-opted by undemocratic things (large moneyed interests getting more clout than average people could ever bring to bear, for one), but it's just not the same argument.

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I don't think it would be accurate to conflate religious leaders with elected officials or the judiciary-

In addition to being elected (and therefore, ostensibly, replaceable), they work within a framework that is designed to allow re-evaluation and interpretation. It's part of what keeps the constitution a 'living document'. It's supposed to be able to move forward in time, otherwise only white land-owners over 21 would be allowed to vote.

And anyway, the judiciary has the ability to check what congress does, and confirm or deny its constitutionality- show me an organized religion whose holy texts are subject to constant review, and whose leaders are elected in a democratic fashion-- if it exists, it's certainly not one of the major ones.

I have plenty of problems with people within our government (on both sides) and with the way we've allowed the democratic process to be co-opted by undemocratic things (large moneyed interests getting more clout than average people could ever bring to bear, for one), but it's just not the same argument.

Well, sure, if you compare it solely to our governmental system.

But there are plenty of policy makers in place that simply aren't elected, and aren't subject to review. The head of the Federal Reserve, for instance, or the cabinet of the Presidency. Shit, we technically don't elect the President either.

What's ironic about your post is that it's specifically when theocracy is instituted that some of history's worst atrocities come to mind - but I think that says more about the people running the church than it does about the religion itself.

One needs only consider the actions of the middle-ages papacy to realize that these periods of strife and unrest directly mirror DIVERGENCE from religious doctrine, and not acceptance. Instead of being humble, we see church leaders demanding alms and wearing gilt robes, building titanic cathedrals and lording over the populace.

Religion was a very effective tool for evil men when used improperly... but that tool also works for good. Some truly wonderful organizations and entities exist solely because of theological implementation - the United Methodist Childrens' Fund is one that I work with. Alcoholics Anonymous. Habitat for Humanity. That doesn't even begin to touch the billions of dollars in private charity extended by churches around the world, and the innumerable people who've been personally saved from dangerous and corrupt lifestyles.

I get the feeling that a lot of religion is judged by the lowest common denominator. The vocal and vile minority that perverts a good system to suit its own agenda.

If you really want to put me on the same level as you'd put, oh, say...


Then I guess I can't change your mind. But I'd think twice about condemning religion as the root of all evil in the world, if you wanted to get honest for a second. The problem has never been religion. The problem, as it always does, comes down to the actions of the individual, when that individual alone chooses to lie to his fellow men to suit his own purposes.

That sort of evil needs no doctrine or dogma surrounding it to be effective.

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