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sping cleaning FTW


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so i knew my siding needed washed and was a little dirty. i didnt expect to see it clean up this much. went over to my g/f's parents and picked up their powerwasher today...


this is just a powerwasher, not even any detergent running through it. house looks 10 years younger now.


(sorry for crappy pic. was with my cell phone. clean part by wire is a beige color)



started the driveway and the damn thing ran out of gas, so im going to finish that tomorrow. g/f is going to HATE the water bill next month. lol

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speaking of attics...i have to figure out how to get into my lower level one. house is a 3 level split. i can get into the upper level via a door in the bathroom closet, but there isnt one anywhere in the lower/main level. i need to get up there to run wire for overhead lights.


also, you may know about this...the vent pipe coming from my sink goes right up the wall behind the sink, then comes sorta back into the room into a soffet, and up out a pipe in the roof. a couple weeks ago, g/f clogged up the pipes putting shit down the disposal...we got a hose bladder thing, basically put in pipe, it expands, and supposed to force water to push stuff thru pipe...well, it didnt, and went up the vent pipe...thats not the problem...the problem is that it was leaking somewhere, and filled up my dome light above the sink on the faucet, and ive got soggy drywall and insulation up there...i noticed it leaking yesterday while getting ready for work, since we still havent put the dome back up...give me a second and ill MSPaint you what ive got...

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sping cleaning? :wtf:


lol. you got me. typing too fast.


Doesnt sound good, I have seen some very lazy plumbers not seal the pipe joints on the stack in theory, water shouldnt get to them anyways. If I understand you, you were trying to force the water up the stack instead of down the drain?


well, i wasnt trying to force the water up, that just ended up being the result when the water would not force the shouldn't-have-been-sent-down-the-disposal-by-g/f-corned-beef clog thru the pipes. so it stopped at the clog, then went the other way up the pipe. made a hell of a mess when the hose was turned off, the bladder deflated, and all the water in the upward pipe came back thru that pipe.


g/fs dad seems to think its a leaky roof, but daves dad came out and patched up everything, and i got up there today and i cant see where there is anywhere that much water could/would come thru. i hate to have to tear out the soffitt, but im not left with many ideas now...


heres my 1/2 ass illustration



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Did you get the clog cleared? I have seen premature wearing down of pipes and sealants within close proximity of lights due to heat that can get trapped in the soffits, since there usually small and no real way to diffuse the heat. If you cleared the clog and you want to chance it, let it go. Unfortunately the stack carries bad gases to vent outside the home and any crack could let them into the home. Looks like your only option to check it out right is to tear into the soffit. If you take your time and do it right you can cut out an area in between studs and patch it back in, failry easy to do.
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i pulled out the circle thing the light was attatched too...luckily, its dead center between the studs i can see, so it shouldnt be too bad to tear it out.


the light heat wearing away that seal makes sense. hopefully her dad can come over and check it out with me...as much as i dont want to make it leak more, i might have to get up on the roof and pour a little bit of water down the vent pipe to find the leak. the majority of it will still go down that pipe into the drain, right? and yes, we cleared up the clog a couple weeks ago...thanks to a $30 50ft 1/2" snake/auger.

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Take the light down and bust out the box its attached to. You will then be able to see up in there with a flashlight and to replace that box is nothing more than a couple bucks at Lowes.


i was going to PM you...down for any side work in a few weeks? one of the first couple things im doing when i get that $$ is knocking down the wall between those 2 rooms, and im going to need to relocate a couple electrical outlets on those walls, and depending on how much itll cost me, im thinking of doing like a ceiling fan/light combo in the center of the room, and like 4 cannister lights in a square pattern on each side, so 8 total. let me know if you're interested so we can work out something as far as $$ goes

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i was going to PM you...down for any side work in a few weeks? one of the first couple things im doing when i get that $$ is knocking down the wall between those 2 rooms, and im going to need to relocate a couple electrical outlets on those walls, and depending on how much itll cost me, im thinking of doing like a ceiling fan/light combo in the center of the room, and like 4 cannister lights in a square pattern on each side, so 8 total. let me know if you're interested so we can work out something as far as $$ goes


Just hit me up whenever you want and Ill help you out.

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