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Really funny car joke

Guest Melanie

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Guest Melanie

So 3 men are standing at the gates of heaven waiting to find out what kind of car they will get to drive. God tells them that the amount of times they cheated on someone, will determine what they get.


So he asks guy #1 "How many times did you cheat?"

He answers "about 10 times."

"Well, you sir get a Geo Metro."


So he asks guy #2 how many times.

"Twice I think."

"Well then, you get a rusted out Mustang."


Then he asks the last guy.

"Never cheated once."

"You sir are a good man, so you can have a Bentley."


So they all take their cars and enter heaven. Well one day they are all driving down the highway and the Geo Metro guy sees the Bentley guy on the side of the road looking very angry.

He pulls over.


"Why do you look so upset? This is heaven, your car wont be broke down for very long."


He replies, "I'm not upset about the Bentley, I just saw my wife ride by on a skateboard."

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