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Racism FTL.


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So me and the woman went to ComFest today with a friend of hers who lives downtown. Well we met at their house and rode together to Goodale Park. We decided to leave a little early so, we walked from the festival all the way to 21st and Long (where the womans car was parked). Well on the way, on Long St, we walk past a house where some guy is standing at his front door on the phone and says "where the fuck are these white people coming from, man what the fuck?". He made sure to say it loud enough for us to hear him. I just kinda shrugged it off at first and thought it was weird but, after thinking about it more, it kinda pisses me off a little bit. I hate people. That is all.
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We white people have been oppressed for so long, it's about time you stood up and said something.


Lol, now that's funny. White people complaining about being targeted for racism=funny.


On a serious note, I don't think because some people have been repressed (or were repressed in the past) it's ok for anyone to do or say racist things, regardless of one's back ground. It's no more ok for a black person to do or say racist things than it is for a white person to do or say racist things, if we are trying to all be equal here.


And in general, walk through a neighborhood you don't belong in and your 'lucky' if you just get something said about you over the phone loud enough for you to hear it. *I don't know that neighborhood so I don't know if you didn't 'belong' there, just stating a general idea*

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Guest tbutera2112

one time someone said something like this to me...and then i continued about my day not giving a fuck...it was a good day


go fucking cry about it


better yet, make a thread!

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"where the fuck are these white people coming from, man what the fuck?"


LOL he probably was but I think its amusing everyone just assumed it was a black guy. Carry on gentleman


Would it really be racist if a white guy said this? Is it even racist if a black guy said it? Either way, what's wrong with saying you're black with a skin disorder?

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Would it really be racist if a white guy said this? Is it even racist if a black guy said it? Either way, what's wrong with saying you're black with a skin disorder?


I dunno just speculating. The guy in question is a douche bag nonetheless.

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