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Mustang speed limiter question


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I have a friend who's wife has a severe lead foot. She is so bad, she has 5 tickets this year. She even went to court, lost her license for 45 days with 2 years probation 10 days suspended sentence. That was before she got another ticket on Friday for 80 in a 65. She will have to do 10 days in the county jail now.


They have an 04 mustang with a v6 is it possible to reprogram the ECU with a lower speed limit than the factory has? Like 65mph? I know personal responsibility goes a long way, but she has not had a good track record with that so far.

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hey, statistics are on her side...but we live in a fucked up world where unfortunate things DO happen. Hell, I make sure my girl knows where I keep my gun and how to fire it JUST IN CASE one of those weird psycho fucks comes along. And you're damn right I want my girl to be able to go over 65mph in case it's an emergency...what if I'm bleeding or something! lol...but then again, she's a female driver...and I would argue that all female driven vehicles should be limited to 20mph top speed haha.
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Guest tbutera2112
65 is still 40 over in a 25 and 30 over in a 35..it wouldnt stop her.




sct has it in their software, call dyno brian, he can set a rev limiter so she wont be able to speed up quickly if the car only revs to 3k, and it will top out at 65, 70, whatever you want it

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