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CR NEWBIE Meet & Greet...Saturday, July 11th (Still on)


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I'll likely be there. Bummer on the food. I thawed out a small stack of burgers. I can still bring a cooler with some sodas. If it rains, there are plenty of shelter things there. If you see a black Dodge Omni buzzing around, flag me down. That'll be me. I'll look for some of your vehicles and see if I get lucky and find the right group.
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I'll likely be there. Bummer on the food. I thawed out a small stack of burgers. I can still bring a cooler with some sodas. If it rains, there are plenty of shelter things there. If you see a black Dodge Omni buzzing around, flag me down. That'll be me. I'll look for some of your vehicles and see if I get lucky and find the right group.


I should be in either a silver Supra or white Ram 2500.

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it's ghey outside...


Then you go inside, it will become instantly less gay out there. :p


alex what time are you going


I'll probably try to get up there as close to 3 as I can. Weather still looks like it could be shitty, but I think we should meet at the park first regardless and then decide whether we're staying there or going to QSL based on what mother nature throws at us.

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it's ghey outside...


I'll likely be there. Bummer on the food. I thawed out a small stack of burgers. I can still bring a cooler with some sodas. If it rains, there are plenty of shelter things there. If you see a black Dodge Omni buzzing around, flag me down. That'll be me. I'll look for some of your vehicles and see if I get lucky and find the right group.


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Then you go inside, it will become instantly less gay out there. :p




I'll probably try to get up there as close to 3 as I can. Weather still looks like it could be shitty, but I think we should meet at the park first regardless and then decide whether we're staying there or going to QSL based on what mother nature throws at us.

This, as well.

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Umm, yeah it's going to be fucking raining all day. And as cool as it sounds to meet at a park and hang under a shelter with a bunch of dudes I just met...just meet at QS&L and save everyone the confusion. Why drive to the park then to QS? when it's just going to be raining. And face it, even if the rain lets up for a bit it's still goanna be wet, cloudy and muddy out. Raining = QS&L . Here is the radar...




See you at QS&L around 3:30- 4:00ish!

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I guess we could do that, but I don't want to fuck the people up who were planning on meeting the park. That's been the plan for this entire week, and now to come in 3 hours before it's supposed to happen seems kind of asinine to me.


I'm going to go to the park to see if any stragglers will be there and will then head to QSL.

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Upon thinking more about this it seems that Chris' idea would be best. Looks like it is going to rain for the rest of the day. Sorry for any confusion to anyone, and sorry Chris for being kind of a dick about your idea before.


See everyone at QSL.

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Although weather is notoriously hard to accurately predict, it looks to me as if the front is passing and that we'll have at least a few hours of dry weather starting around 4 p.m.


I may swing by QSL around then. If I'm soaking wet when I come through the door, feel free to laugh. ;)


Despues de la lluvia ......

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