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mototrcycle mechanics tech schools


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I did. And for the education it was decent, but if you're going thinking you are going to have a good paying career and future...keep looking.

I gained some knowledge from it and should you ever need someone to work on your bike for a cheap reasonable price please look me up, but don't waste your money on MMI unless you have the insatiable urge to learn about bikes and have lots of money to blow.

Dustin2145 (I don't know the numbers after his name) but he is on my friend list. He has graduated from MMI.


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This is the reason I never went to MMI. I was looking into it after High School, but for the price it costs to go there, plus housing costs, vs the low income you will make working at a shop, its not worth it. I talked to a service manager at a local shop when I was thinking about this and he said the school wasnt really worth it either. Take Dustin's advice

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  • 3 months later...
I'm currently taking the Motorcycle Repair Technician course from Penn Foster.

i was gonna take that or the ME course from PF then i did a little research and everyone kept saying PF was a fraud. that made me very very :(:nono:

Wyotech, PSI, MMI...meh. everything ive heard about MMI is that its not worth it and it was too easy

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I looked into MMI. Their programs seem like they could be worthwhile but $35k is almost as much as I spent on 4 years of college and my earning potential is much higher.

If you are eligible for the GI Bill, MMI would be sweet because you wouldn't have to come up with the cash. But for most people, to have to move to Orlando or Phoenix for one to two years, spend $35K + expenses and be eligible for a job paying $10/hr after you finish is hardly worth it.

You'd be better off talking your way into working at a shop for the same money by offering to sweep floors and change oil and hope that they teach you stuff along the way. Hell, if you are good enough maybe your shop would eventually want to send you off for more training and pay some of the bill.

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I just got a quote from MMI and tuition for me would be $27,950. That's about the same amount I'm looking at spending to finish my college education, only with my current college path jobs are uncertain and so is pay.

Do dealers and shops like MMI grads, I know their are some dumb asses who come out of there, but I'm much more mechanically inclined and have already taught myself how to do some things on my own bike. I guess I just want to know what the market out their is like for motorcycle techs.

Edited by EvilTwin
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i was gonna take that or the ME course from PF then i did a little research and everyone kept saying PF was a fraud. that made me very very :(:nono:

Wyotech, PSI, MMI...meh. everything ive heard about MMI is that its not worth it and it was too easy

Hmm not sure on that one. It seems legit so far. I'm not paying a dime though lol.

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i was gonna take that or the ME course from PF then i did a little research and everyone kept saying PF was a fraud. that made me very very :(:nono:

Wyotech, PSI, MMI...meh. everything ive heard about MMI is that its not worth it and it was too easy

Hmm not sure on that one. It seems legit so far. I'm not paying a dime though lol.

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