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Looking For Work

Fiji ST

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Since I really don't know too many people in Columbus anymore, I figured I would give this place a shot.


I've been out of full-time work since December, with temp jobs here and there. I've been interviewing, but it's been sparse, and nothing seems to pan out past the second interview.


I have a BA from Ohio Wesleyan University in Journalism and Politics. I have been writing for different publications now for the past four years. I've been mostly doing freelance gigs lately, but even those seem to have vanished. I also have a bit of customer service under my belt as well as working in various parts of several dealerships which I have really enjoyed and would love to get back into.


I'm a quiet guy, but I do like interacting and meeting with people. I really love learning new skills/concepts. I can also offer my writing skills to anyone, such as rewriting a Web site, proofreading proposals, etc.


I'm am pretty much open to anything right now except cold-call sales or any sort of phone support/collections. Other than that, I can probably do anything you throw to me. I don't mind sitting behind a desk for eight hours, but I much prefer being out and about.


I think that is it. If you want to know more about me, or have any openings/contacts, please let me know via PM or my email address in my profile.


Thanks for your time and your help.


Nick B.

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  • 5 weeks later...


I did a couple interviews for Broadband Technicans this past week. Never hurts to send your resume in.


Do you have a source for me to talk to?


And for some reason, when you click the link, it's comes up as an error.

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call down to bobs and talk to jim before 9am...


thats about the best time to reach him


I have been talking to him every week for the past 3 weeks. He said the applications have been turned over to some lady his business partner found/employed so he wouldn't have to waste his time on them. I was hoping he was the one reviewing them since we had talked for a good 45 minutes and I had gotten a really good vibe from him.

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