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People are fucking idiots


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I have been burned many many times by concrete. I would venture to say well over a hundred. It is the lime in concrete. Known to destroy human flesh(just in case you want to dispose of a body a bag of lime and a bath tub should do it). While concrete concrete especially in areas where lime is added(older structures especially) you create what is known as slurry(mixing concrete dust from sawing with water to cool blade and keep dust down. As a wall saw'er, you are covered in this mix daily, I mean you might as well sit in it and bath. It stays on your cloths for hrs until it dries(turning back to dust). The slurry will burn through layers of skin and embed itself within. To remove the dried slurry from the skin I have had to take a scouring pad to my skin to get it out. I have taken my pants off before and literally had the fronts of my legs bloody from my hips to my boot marks( it is a strange site). It is infortunately unavoidable at times. Means of preventing this from happening are to restrictive or cumbersome to reasonably use. Now years of doing this have left me not as prone to it as new guys but occasionally I run into something with a high lime content and i still get burned. It doesnt happen to my hands because they are far to caliased over but I can get them on my arms and stomach. It hurts for a bit but goes away. Rare is it I get burned from newer concrete only because you really shouldnt get "covered" in it while pouring necessarily.
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ive been burned a few times but just little annoying spots on the tips of my fingers. But once that sore is opened up you feel the burn instantly when the mix hits it. I dont know how the hell he was kneeling in it for 3 hours and not realizing how bad his legs burned.
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