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Do want... so hot.

Trouble Maker

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Peter Griffin repeatedly ramming elongated red sports car through tunnel quickly comes to mind.

It's one of my favorite Family Guy episodes. Had me laughing damn near every minute when I first saw it.


It reminds me of the Speed Racer car.

It reminded me a bit, too.

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yea its the 2010 SLR Sterling Moss. They are only making like 10 or something, and its only a 2010 model... no future production plans. It was at the detroit auto show, so its real. Pretty amazing car.


I believe this is what you are looking for:


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Jesse, if you get that, I want to rock out in one of these. I'm not a fan of scarfs and goggles. I need a bubble.




Saw the picture and thought it looked aerodynamic, .25cd. Pretty bad ass.... wow that thing has an ungodly amount of power.


I will take this MB over the previous one posted... and it's electric... and has 525hp/649ft-lbs.



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