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How do I get out of Jury Duty?


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if you lie and say stuff about being a bad candidate, they wont pick you...then you just get to sit in a little room with all the other people who didnt get picked...you still have to show up!! (according to my mom, who had to do this last year)


yup. when you get called to jury duty, really you are being called to be in the jury pool. they have N people in the pool and they randomly select people to serve on juries when a case comes up. when you are in the pool, they dont ask you about any of your beliefs or anything like that. they just ask your name and have you sign in.


if a case comes up and you get chosen then you go through a process called voir dire where the attorneys ask you questions. THIS is where you get to say you hate anyone who is of a different race and think that everyone should be put in jail. then you dont get picked, and you go back into the pool, and wait to be called again.


when i did it a few years back (franklin county) it wasnt too terrible. i sat around and read for the first 2 days. they usually let us out at like 2 or so. i got called and picked for a jury on a criminal case. cops had a stakeout on some equipment rental place and saw this dude break in and load shit in his van. he plead not guilty. the first day of the trial the cops came in and told us what they saw. then we went to lunch. when we got back the judge told us that during lunch break he decided he wanted to change his plea to guilty, and we were done.

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I sent in a letter from my school, myself and all the other info they needed and got out of it. I got the letter in the mail today. Hopefully I don't get asked again till next year.


Thanks for all that gave some advice...

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Tell them you are important enough where you work that the company would suffer greatly if you miss a week+ of work.


Dad got called up for jury duty and told them that he was the owner of his own company and couldn't miss work a few months ago and they didn't let him out of it, I thought of all things that would get you out. He never was called in though

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