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I worked nights straight outta high school and hated it so I changed jobs. I started working nights again this year after leaving a company I had been with for 10 years. I did it for 7 months and hated it again. Went back to my job with tenure. At least here I only work random nights. I know what your going through. Nights suck.
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Why do you think I left that fucking place? I couldn't fucking take it anymore. I had worked day shift, M-F, 8-5 for several years. Then as other departments were eliminated, these strangers came into my department, but just happen to be with the company for longer. So, instead of me having THE MOST seniority in the group, I dropped to 3rd. When it came time to bid for new schedules, guess who got cheated out of the only 2, M-F, 8-5 shifts? Ummmm, ME!! Fuckers!! OMG, I still go into a fit of rage when that subject comes up and it's been over 2 years since I left.
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Try getting my hrs i go to cleveland 3 times a week Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday i start at 230 am drive up there do my route and come back about 4-6pm 14-? hr days then all the other days work in town 6-? im always tired
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