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Stupid Athiests

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Because nothing says; "I am a voice of reason and understanding, unbound by superstition and ceremony" like getting together with other (non)beleivers and having a ceremony... involving hair-care equipment... to undo the mojo that the church (who's powers are supposed to be fictions, right?) put on you.


Athiesm is a religion.

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Public ceremonies to confer de-baptism, however, seem to be primarily an American phenomenon.


"I think a de-baptism ceremony (in Europe) would strike a lot of secularists and atheists as kind of pointless," Evans said. "They would leave the ceremonies to the religious."


Not all American non-believers have warmed to de-baptism rituals. Secularist Phil Zuckerman, a Pitzer College sociologist who studies apostates, said he would never take part in such an event because it "feels intrinsically negative" and "immature."


Even so, he said, de-baptisms may serve a cathartic function for some participants, as well as a political one.


Atheism is not a religion, but some people just crave attention.

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Atheism holds faith that no deity exists. Essentially, that faith is a religion.


Religion to me means that you believe in a being/beings who you follow in some kind of way and then people with the same believes get together and perform rituals or some kind of group activity in the name of that believe.


These atheists who are doing this "de-baptism" crap have turned atheism into a religion. I dont think atheism traditionally is a religion, just a group to put people in who have no religion.


For the record I am not an atheist.

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Atheism holds faith that no deity exists. Essentially, that faith is a religion.


They were performing this as symbolism. Nothing more.


I will post my favorite bible verse here. I think it really sums shit up. How can you believe in a god that suggests smashing babies into rocks is a source of happiness


psalms 137:9

Happy shall he be, that takes and dashes your little ones against the stones.



Allow me to challange this with the following questions.


Do you believe in the tooth fairy?

Do you believe in Unicorns?

Do you believe in the boggy man?

Do you believe in the FSM?

Do you believe in Zeus?

Do you believe in Allah?

Do you believe in Easter Bunny?


Saying no to any of those questions is not a faith. IF christians would first agree with each other before they try and tell everyone else what to do and think maybe we could progress as a society.


Let me simplfy this

"If atheism is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby."


Why atheism is not a faith.

Rational thinking. It's the same logic that applies to all of the above things.


Whats really awesome is if you don't believe in one of the MANY gods before the bible was plagerized from your not a athiest, but as soon as you don't believe in there beloved god thats so great that he never really does much of anything your a athiest or a DEVIL WORSHIPPER.



I found this quote online and I really like it.

Here’s the thing they are missing, and the real problem most atheists have with religion. If stamp collectors demanded that people who don’t collect stamps obey their stamp collecting rules, started wars with groups who collected slightly different types of stamps, denied non-stamp collectors rights or discriminated against them, bullied them in school, claimed you had to collect stamps to be a suitable person to run for public office, tried to get stamp collecting taught in schools as science in opposition to real science, demanded that people be killed for printing cartoons that made fun of stamp collectors, claimed that non-stamp collectors lacked moral judgment, made up ridiculous straw man positions they claimed non-stamp collectors took, and then argued against those straw men positions etc etc, - then non-stamp collectors probably would criticize stamp collectors in the way atheists criticize many religious people. And with good reason. Not collecting stamps would still not be a hobby. Or a religion."

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Damnit eric now see what you have done.



Throne get off our soapbox.


I needed to clarify things. I get sick of hearing how I'm having FAITH in science or atheism or Darwin. Maybe christians should do some research that reaches away from there 2000 year old book and expands.

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These atheists who are doing this "de-baptism" crap have turned atheism into a religion. I dont think atheism traditionally is a religion, just a group to put people in who have no religion.


It's the grouping together that makes it religious. People who don't beleive shouldn't be getting together to celebrate it, jsut get on with your lives.


I do not beleive in deities, and I do not consider myself an anthiest. I have no title or label because none fit, I don't want one. I'm just one roaming human intellect.

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I'm not usually a Bill Maher fan, but his quote hits the nail on the head:


"I find atheism to be a mirror of the certainty of religion and I don't like certainty about the next world because we can't know... What I say is I don't know."

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I needed to clarify things. I get sick of hearing how I'm having FAITH in science or atheism or Darwin. Maybe christians should do some research that reaches away from there 2000 year old book and expands.


Having faith in science is different than faith in there being no deity. I really don't know what to say if you can't comprehend that.

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Without religion, we would have nothing to fight about since political discussions are now frowned upon here. ;)


On a sidenote, you guys debate all you want. My real name is a loophole in case there really is a heaven. I've checked into it. :D

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Everyone here has some measure of faith in something, this is fact. God, science, the kindness of strangers, the love of your family, your next line of sweet sweet blow, something.

If you don't, you should kill yourself because you're probably already thinking about it.

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It's the grouping together that makes it religious. People who don't beleive shouldn't be getting together to celebrate it, jsut get on with your lives.


I do not beleive in deities, and I do not consider myself an anthiest. I have no title or label because none fit, I don't want one. I'm just one roaming human intellect.


Atheist: a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings. Sorry but thats what it is, and if thats how you feel, you are an atheist. A murderer might not think of himself as one, but thats what he is when he murdered someone.


Now take myself for example, I dont consider myself an atheist, and probably not a christian either or anything else. See, you flat out do not believe in deities or gods or any kind of supreme being, and that makes you an atheist, where I say no one knows, and that puts me nowhere I guess. I see it this way: there may be a God, there might not be a god, and it could be a christian, jewish, hindu, muslim or any god, but none of us here on earth know the truth, and if someone tells me that they know the truth, I call them straight up liars.

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Atheist: a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings. Sorry but thats what it is, and if thats how you feel, you are an atheist. A murderer might not think of himself as one, but thats what he is when he murdered someone.


Now take myself for example, I dont consider myself an atheist, and probably not a christian either or anything else. See, you flat out do not believe in deities or gods or any kind of supreme being, and that makes you an atheist, where I say no one knows, and that puts me nowhere I guess. I see it this way: there may be a God, there might not be a god, and it could be a christian, jewish, hindu, muslim or any god, but none of us here on earth know the truth, and if someone tells me that they know the truth, I call them straight up liars.




This label tends to fit me better as well.

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Religion to me means that you believe in a being/beings who you follow in some kind of way and then people with the same believes get together and perform rituals or some kind of group activity in the name of that believe.


These atheists who are doing this "de-baptism" crap have turned atheism into a religion. I dont think atheism traditionally is a religion, just a group to put people in who have no religion.


For the record I am not an atheist.


Defining what is and is not a religion is something I am not willing to do. How can you say Christianity is a religion, but reject Scientology as simply a cult? Both are crazy, both help people, and both have believers.


Let me simplfy this

"If atheism is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby."




Atheist: a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings. Sorry but thats what it is, and if thats how you feel, you are an atheist. A murderer might not think of himself as one, but thats what he is when he murdered someone.


Now take myself for example, I dont consider myself an atheist, and probably not a christian either or anything else. See, you flat out do not believe in deities or gods or any kind of supreme being, and that makes you an atheist, where I say no one knows, and that puts me nowhere I guess. I see it this way: there may be a God, there might not be a god, and it could be a christian, jewish, hindu, muslim or any god, but none of us here on earth know the truth, and if someone tells me that they know the truth, I call them straight up liars.



First of all, defining atheism is like defining religion: you will get as many answers as you get people. No ONE definition is exactly right, or even accurate.


I am an atheist, and really enjoy Dan Barkers work. Here is a quote from him: It turns out that the word atheism means much less than I had thought. It is merely the lack of theism [...] Basic atheism is not a belief. It is the lack of belief. There is a difference between believing there is no god and not believing there is a god — both are atheistic, though popular usage has ignored the latter [...]


Some atheists simply talk about doubt, however as with anything, there are extremists and nut jobs.


I like this quote too, but I can't remember who its from and goes something like this: "If you accept your religion as the only religion, and do not believe in any others, then you should understand why I don't believe in yours."


My favorite thing is when Christians talk about the separation of church and state.....like it exists. "In God We Trust" on our money, swearing on a bible in court etc.

Edited by Aaron
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Hinduism and Buddhism do not follow your definition of a religion. Are they not religions? Karma, Dharma, Atmans, Brahmans etc None are a higher being.


Never heard of the last 2, but honestly I dont really think of Karma and Dharma as religions. How does Hinduism and Buddhism not fit?



My favorite thing is when Christians talk about the separation of church and state.....like it exists. "In God We Trust" on our money, swearing on a bible in court etc.


Thats not a Christian thing, thats an America as a whole thing.

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Having faith in science is different than faith in there being no deity. I really don't know what to say if you can't comprehend that.


Let me start I'm a agnostic.


Prove to me the tooth fairy does not exist please. Other wise you have faith in the lack of a tooth fairy. I don't understand why christians always feel its our job to defend our position. If your god is so powerful why don't you have a surefire way to defend your beliefs. I mean it should be easy.


God does miracles.

Nope not one ampute has ever grown there legs back.


God saved the one survivor from X plane crash.

That anology can be reversed. God killed all the passange of that plane but 1


The bible is the word of god.

Really, The bible is nothing more then a plagerized versions of stories from other mespotamia religions

Circular Logic is a fail BTW



Yes then explain my tooth fairy analogy.



Why do I need to not have faith. Thats just silly. Read my stamp reference. Why don't you STFU read what I write instead of spewing random bullshit.


Your a NON TOOTH FAIRY BELIEVER. Your into the non tooth fairy religion.


If you can explain to my how my lack of "Faith" of a diety is any different then your lack of faith in the tooth fairy then You have some credibility until then your nothing more then a biblical mouth piece recycling the same garbage .

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