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Stupid Athiests

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Hinduism and Buddhism do not follow your definition of a religion. Are they not religions? Karma, Dharma, Atmans, Brahmans etc None are a higher being.

Um, forgetting Shiva, Vishnu, and the rest of the bunch? Hinduism certainly does fit the traditional definition of a religion...Buddhism is a little foggier, as Buddhists don't actually worship Sidhartha Gautama, and the aim of Buddhist enlightenment isn't to please any supreme being's ideas of sin or morality.


The hair-dryer thing is a joke. That's all. It's become a very popular way to stick a finger in the eye of institutions and people whose favorite phrase is "Freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion."

Atheists like myself generally don't much care whether those around them are religious or not, as long as they don't attempt to force their beliefs on us. However, in recent years, many have banded together in order to protect our rights in the face of new, mounting attempts by religious organizations to force creationism back into schools, and a new emphasis on religion in the rhetoric of politicians, as well as the intrusion of religion into the law on such issues as abortion and gay rights.

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Let me start I'm a agnostic.


Prove to me the tooth fairy does not exist please. Other wise you have faith in the lack of a tooth fairy. I don't understand why christians always feel its our job to defend our position. If your god is so powerful why don't you have a surefire way to defend your beliefs. I mean it should be easy.


God does miracles.

Nope not one ampute has ever grown there legs back.


God saved the one survivor from X plane crash.

That anology can be reversed. God killed all the passange of that plane but 1


The bible is the word of god.

Really, The bible is nothing more then a plagerized versions of stories from other mespotamia religions

Circular Logic is a fail BTW



Yes then explain my tooth fairy analogy.



Why do I need to not have faith. Thats just silly. Read my stamp reference. Why don't you STFU read what I write instead of spewing random bullshit.


Your a NON TOOTH FAIRY BELIEVER. Your into the non tooth fairy religion.


If you can explain to my how my lack of "Faith" of a diety is any different then your lack of faith in the tooth fairy then You have some credibility until then your nothing more then a biblical mouth piece recycling the same garbage .


I elect Thorne as my spokesperson. I agree 100%.




Scientologists do not worship Xenu.

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Definition of religion...


1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.

3. the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.

4. the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.

5. the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.

6. something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice.


What Cred05 said is spot on...

"These atheists who are doing this "de-baptism" crap have turned atheism into a religion. I dont think atheism traditionally is a religion, just a group to put people in who have no religion."


It was it was just a classification of people that didnt beleive in religion, or gods. Now its a group in a lot of places rather than a classification. The more they group and try to force their views on others the more they are acting like the religions they try to disprove.

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Um, forgetting Shiva, Vishnu, and the rest of the bunch? Hinduism certainly does fit the traditional definition of a religion...Buddhism is a little foggier, as Buddhists don't actually worship Sidhartha Gautama, and the aim of Buddhist enlightenment isn't to please any supreme being's ideas of sin or morality.


The hair-dryer thing is a joke. That's all. It's become a very popular way to stick a finger in the eye of institutions and people whose favorite phrase is "Freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion."

Atheists like myself generally don't much care whether those around them are religious or not, as long as they don't attempt to force their beliefs on us. However, in recent years, many have banded together in order to protect our rights in the face of new, mounting attempts by religious organizations to force creationism back into schools, and a new emphasis on religion in the rhetoric of politicians, as well as the intrusion of religion into the law on such issues as abortion and gay rights.



Damn, yeah your right. I actually have a test on Scientology, Hinduism and Buddhism tomorrow lol. Looks like I forgot some obvious facts. I will edit my post.


I do agree 100% with the above in bold.

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Scientologists don't warship Xenu dude....


And I keep seeing people erasing the line between Atheists and Agnostics.... Most of you are Agnostic, not Atheist.


Can't you be both atheist and agnostic? I don't think gods or deities exist, however I don't know 100%. My door is open to the possibility, however MY opinion is they don't exist?


The Definitions of both words make me think I can be both.

Edited by Aaron
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Found it... Most courts dont do it anymore. They say, "do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, under penalty of the court".


Do they still use the bible?


If not, I support that 100%. I always wondered how they got away with doing it with a bible and "so help you god."

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When I was younger my faith in the unknown was minimal at best. The closer humans get to creating other humans in test tubes the more I believe... Think about it... If we can create people then that means someone/something could have created us.


Do they still use the bible?


If not, I support that 100%. I always wondered how they got away with doing it with a bible and "so help you god."


Some do it for traditional reasons but you do have the right to ask to be sworn in without the use of the bible or the "god" verbiage.

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When I was younger my faith in the unknown was minimal at best. The closer humans get to creating other humans in test tubes the more I believe... Think about it... If we can create people then that means someone/something could have created us.




Some do it for traditional reasons but you do have the right to ask to be sworn in without the use of the bible or the "god" verbiage.


That is a very interesting point of view. Haven't heard that one before. It will be a good topic to discuss in class and in my family. We love talking about religion, good and bad.


Awesome, thanks for the info on the courts.:thumbup:

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Scientologists don't warship Xenu dude....


And I keep seeing people erasing the line between Atheists and Agnostics.... Most of you are Agnostic, not Atheist.

Actually, the line has gotten pretty fuzzy with the humanists including themselves as atheists. And BTW, most actual atheists will tell you not to capitalize the word. Atheism isn't a religion, an organization, or even an organized system of beliefs, and therefore shouldn't be used as a proper noun. Some atheist-founded groups use the word in their titles, in which case, it is proper to capitalize.

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Actually, the line has gotten pretty fuzzy with the humanists including themselves as atheists. And BTW, most actual atheists will tell you not to capitalize the word. Atheism isn't a religion, an organization, or even an organized system of beliefs, and therefore shouldn't be used as a proper noun. Some atheist-founded groups use the word in their titles, in which case, it is proper to capitalize.


care to explain the difference between the two? It seems you can be both from the brief definitions I have read.

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atheism: rejection of theism, or that deities do not exist


agnostic: without knowledge, truth value of certain claims is unknown


I am not 100% sure that deities don't exist, but I don't THINK they do. Does that make me atheist? agnostic? both?


You can't exactly be 100% sure of anything religious though.

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To declare that something definitely does not exist is to proclaim that everything that exists is known.


That being said... I'm an atheist.


I like to say that logically I'm an agnostic, but by faith (for lack of a better term in my head at this moment), I'm an atheist.


I don't believe there is a god, I believe that there isn't one, but I can't prove that there isn't one. I'm using the word believe in this case as "I believe that my car is just outside where I parked it", not "I believe in the FSM."


Eric, I hope you can see the satyr in what they did and you are just being facetious. :confused:

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but when you were married was it in a church by a priest?


Really? You want to talk about the 'religious sanctity of marriage' to try to throw that idea back in his face? What a fucking joke that idea is in our society today. :mad: 50%


EDIT: And Ken will have to come back and answer this one to be 100%, but IIRC from his thread he was married on a beach. So at the very least not in a church.

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