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Barley's Smokehouse - HORRIBLE Service


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Well, several folks showed up at Barley's tonight, on MY recommendation. Other than the service being some of the worst I have had, at least one person was not happy with their food / order (he didn't tell the server though ;) ) This same person also asked for silverware, and never received any.


Over all, this was MY WORST experience in this restaraunt.





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That sucks, glad I went to outback even though I hate their food. I had the same thing happen to our friends a few weeks ago at a restaurant in tennesse. On our recommendation we went and the server spilled 4 glasses of tea on my buddy completely soaking him. They wouldnt comp anything. The worst part was they were paying for us since we went to the lake and showed them a good time. I tried to pay for everything yet they still insisted on paying.
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