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Speed Cameras (Heath)


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forgive me for reading your post and my mind trying to produce a austrailian accent in my head while reading this. lol!


Thats Funny I did the same thing.... :D


Oh and did you read the article.... 10,000 tickets in one month!!! Holy Shit!

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Let me clear some things up. They do not take a picture of the driver. You will get a paper that has 3 shots of your car. 1 is a upclose pic of your plate. The other 2 are of your car itself, one pic is a overhead view of your car, the other is from a rear angle on passenger side. Ex gf just got hers in mail. It shows you the speed you were traveling, the date and time. On a funny note they marked her Scion TC as a Toyota HB.


As for Mopar I expect many flashing bulbs. People get stuck in middle of intersections and there is def speeding going on that night. As for how many of those ppl get tix now thats another story. Each ticket is reviewed before being issued so I'm sure not everyone is going to get shafted.


I kinda like them personally. I used to speed through Heath cause I would just keep eye out for cops. Now I cruise through there cause of those damn cameras. Its pretty simple don't speed...don't get picture in mail. There is signs posted 100ft+ before you reach them stating they are in use.


Oh and for the flash at night, that shit is bright as fuck


Maybe where you live they are 100ft before the intersections...In West Carrollton where I live they are right in front of the interstections. I've spend $400 this year on these fucking things. There's one on every intersection and every once in awhile you slip up. You say "Don't speed, don't granny stop when turning right on red, don't speed up to get thru a yellow light"...but everybody does it once in awhile. That's the bullshit with these cameras, you forget once and you get fucked. It's not like granny stopping when turning right on a redlight is going to kill anybody. What happens when it snows? When that happens the goal is NOT to completely stop or you'll get stuck...well guess everybody's fucked when that happens.

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Maybe where you live they are 100ft before the intersections...In West Carrollton where I live they are right in front of the interstections. I've spend $400 this year on these fucking things. There's one on every intersection and every once in awhile you slip up. You say "Don't speed, don't granny stop when turning right on red, don't speed up to get thru a yellow light"...but everybody does it once in awhile. That's the bullshit with these cameras, you forget once and you get fucked. It's not like granny stopping when turning right on a redlight is going to kill anybody. What happens when it snows? When that happens the goal is NOT to completely stop or you'll get stuck...well guess everybody's fucked when that happens.


i ran through several in my car when it was snowing out and never once got a stupid ticket in the mail. i wouldn't pay it anyways. its not a criminal offense. its not like you go to jail/court if you dont pay it.

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dont they turn that shit over to a collections agency though?


not sure. honestly i have a close friend who ran one and did not pay it three years ago. has no problems with it. i believe they can sue you in civil court but i dont think that is going to happen since its over a small amount of 100 dollars or so. i could be wrong though.

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Maybe where you live they are 100ft before the intersections...In West Carrollton where I live they are right in front of the interstections. I've spend $400 this year on these fucking things. There's one on every intersection and every once in awhile you slip up. You say "Don't speed, don't granny stop when turning right on red, don't speed up to get thru a yellow light"...but everybody does it once in awhile. That's the bullshit with these cameras, you forget once and you get fucked. It's not like granny stopping when turning right on a redlight is going to kill anybody. What happens when it snows? When that happens the goal is NOT to completely stop or you'll get stuck...well guess everybody's fucked when that happens.


400$ so how many times did you do it? lol i can understand a slip it once cause well shti happens any time after 1 time your just a dumb ass.


i got one about two years ago an been good ever since


lol 400$ in those things hahah

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Yes they goto a collection agency if you do not pay the fine. Also for the person the person that posted over 10k tickets were handed out, not all 10k resulted in an actual ticket. A lot of them were reviewed and dismissed.


i wondered if they went to a collection agency but honestly.... i would like to see how well one of these non state or poice issued "tickets" hold up in court. im just curious... not sure what would happen.

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