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4chan Censored by AT&T (Internet Censorship by ISP)


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Hopefully anon excutes this one right. Working for a large isp I am 100% postive any hackersk DDOS script kiddie bullshit is not going to affect anything.


This needs media attention and legit resources to fight this one. Put the mature hat on.



/B/ Don't fuck this up.

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Do you want your isp to decide what you can and cannot surf?


What if you came home from work sat down at your pc went to goto columbusracing.com and could not. Because your internet provider decided since members from CR got busted streetracing the site is not good.

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Well why would they take the risk of not getting my money just to tell me what I can and cannot see. I can call my isp now and tell them I am cancelling my service and be offered 3 free months of it. I dont think their going to risk pissing people off or should I say risk losing income.
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4chan is full of child pornography in the "b" channel or w/e. such a vulgar site


Tell me this isnt true? if it is I find no need to object.


HOWEVER, thorne as compassionate as you are on so many subjects i can see your point. I wouldnt want ANYONE restricting anything I see regardless of what they deem neccessary.


Mensan, I honestly have no fucking clue what 4chan is therefore i made the post.

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Well why would they take the risk of not getting my money just to tell me what I can and cannot see. I can call my isp now and tell them I am cancelling my service and be offered 3 free months of it. I dont think their going to risk pissing people off or should I say risk losing income.


Bringing up a good point. theres plenty of competition out there. If you feel it neccessary to boycott a certain ISP b/c they censor (i know its wrong) a certain site then choose from one of the many other options on the market, simple.

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4chan is full of child pornography in the "b" channel or w/e. such a vulgar site


CP is the main thing they care to censor. Yes, it gets posted on there. But it gets deleted almost immediately and the user(s) get banned. 4chan has been used for good in the past. They helped prevent a school shooting once or twice. I'd say AT&T is in favor of school shootings if they let this continue.

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CP is the main thing they care to censor. Yes, it gets posted on there. But it gets deleted almost immediately and the user(s) get banned. 4chan has been used for good in the past. They helped prevent a school shooting once or twice. I'd say AT&T is in favor of school shootings if they let this continue.


Dont forget them saving "kenny" the cat.

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4chan is full of child pornography in the "b" channel or w/e. such a vulgar site


4chan moderates /B/ and even thought CP may get posted at times it does get removed. CP is also posted to many of the other chans out there including christian sites that Pedos over run and spam. Does that mean they should be banned too?



CP is bad no disagreeing but I don't believe in censoring the internet.



First they came for the pedophiles, and I did not speak out, because I was not a pedophile. Then, they came for the pirates, and I did not speak out because I was not a pirate. Then they came for anonymous, and I did not speak out because I was not anonymous. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me. -Most


^ I think that is a good post

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Whats 4chan and why should anyone care?


HOWEVER, thorne as compassionate as you are on so many subjects i can see your point. I wouldnt want ANYONE restricting anything I see regardless of what they deem neccessary.


Mensan, I honestly have no fucking clue what 4chan is therefore i made the post.


You answered your own question.


A) I can't believe anyone on CR has not heard of that site, and


B) I can't believe anyone would not care about censorship.

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4chan moderates /B/ and even thought CP may get posted at times it does get removed. CP is also posted to many of the other chans out there including christian sites that Pedos over run and spam. Does that mean they should be banned too?



CP is bad no disagreeing but I don't believe in censoring the internet.



First they came for the pedophiles, and I did not speak out, because I was not a pedophile. Then, they came for the pirates, and I did not speak out because I was not a pirate. Then they came for anonymous, and I did not speak out because I was not anonymous. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me. -Most


^ I think that is a good post


Thorne...what the flying fuck is /B/?!?!?!? I've never heard of this..now I have heard of /b/...and yes, anon is that specific about not capitalizing it. Oh and your reference the "Christchan" is in vein, as it was /b/ that overran that site and flooded it with CP. I happened to actually witness it the night it happened...aside from the CP it was epically hilarious.

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And so it comes to a close.


From the 4chan status page:


Monday, July 27, 2009


Here's what happened:



For the past three weeks, 4chan has been under a constant DDoS attack. We were able to filter this specific type of attack in a fashion that was more or less transparent to the end user.



Unfortunately, as an unintended consequence of the method used, some Internet users received errant traffic from one of our network switches. A handful happened to be AT&T customers.


In response, AT&T filtered all traffic to and from our img.4chan.org IPs (which serve /b/ & /r9k/) for their entire network, instead of only the affected customers. AT&T did not contact us prior to implementing the block. Here is their statement regarding the matter.


In the end, this wasn't a sinister act of censorship, but rather a bit of a mistake and a poorly executed, disproportionate response on AT&T's part. Whoever pulled the trigger on blackholing the site probably didn't anticipate [nor intend] the consequences of doing so.


We're glad to see this short-lived debacle has prompted renewed interest and debate over net neutrality and internet censorship—two very important issues that don't get nearly enough attention—so perhaps this was all just a blessing in disguise.

Aside from that, I'll also add that there is some big news due later this week. Keep an eye on the News page, Twitter, and global message for updates.

As always, I can be reached at moot@4chan.org.

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