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4chan Censored by AT&T (Internet Censorship by ISP)


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B) I can't believe anyone would not care about censorship.


Some people are just dumb. :o


I'm no IT guru by any means, but if AT&T were getting a DDoS from that IP, isn't the only way to stop it to block that IP effectively blocking that site, even if the IP is being spoofed by the originator of the DDoS?

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It's borderline anarchy, but what's so confusing about it?


Do i need to sign up? is there even a forum? oh and no way arround it at work, so i dont have time at home to mess with it. I have cruised that site a few times over the years and just never got the flow orfound anything good easly.:confused:

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It's a picture board rather than a message board, and while you can make an account, you don't have to. And most people that make an account use a tripcode, which changes their screenname into random letters and numbers. Hence the whole "anonymous" thing, they take pride in not using screennames.
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It's a picture board rather than a message board, and while you can make an account, you don't have to. And most people that make an account use a tripcode, which changes their screenname into random letters and numbers. Hence the whole "anonymous" thing, they take pride in not using screennames.


thats cool, i guess.

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i never heard of this 4chan and a friend was talking to me about it yesterday... i wasnt paying attention though.


is there a work safe site that explains all this 4chan stuff?




I just skimmed through it to double check, but yes it is worksafe. This site claims to be the worksafe, sensible version of encyclopedia dramatica.

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