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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


You are such a fucking retard. You dont know shit about "cars or anything mechanical" yourself, so you really should shut the fuck up with that noise. Unless you just mean reading and learning for yourself. Because in post after post after post, you have shown you dont know shit...


And why do I have a very strong feeling you are completely full of shit saying you are a mechanical engineer. Show me a fucking degree, or you are full of shit. :rolleyes:


right, go fucking kill urself. please

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right, go fucking kill urself. please





Come back in a few years when you dont feel the need to lie and make up retarded bullshit (which you will ALWAYS get called out for)



I would suggest you kill yourself, to save the oxygen for the rest of us that can make better use of it... but I dont want you to do that, I would feel bad for the people that would have to waste their time cleaning up the mess that your rotting corpse would leave, and taking up a perfectly good cemetary spot that someone of some worth could have had...

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Sorry for my late response.. I was out running times in my car that you only see from the stands.


Plus I have a very large penis


Its so big that while having sex with your mom your midget cousin was still able to do pull ups on my shaft.


Now you are talking about things he only sees in his boyfriends pants'


I am enjoying this EPIC FAIL!


WS6ZEROHP, I hate to inform you of this, but some things to consider while wearing your helmet and licking the windows of the short bus.....You are gay! Your car is gay, however do not beat yourself up over it....Why you ask? Because you do two things very well......1. You make me laugh! 2.You fail beyond all expectations!

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