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Text a girl and ask if her if "you can tap that"


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I've just started 3 more and 2 hate me :)


jeopardy music...


Result 1

me: yo when can I tap that?

her: Who is this?

me: doctor snake crotch. hurry this is sssSSSSerious!

her: relle who is this?

me: I just told you so when can I?

her: you never told me your name

me: it's DR. SNAKE! now my place or yours?

her: this is really pissin me off who are yew?

her: (duplicate text)

her: love=pain

her: dude fuck you never txt this number again

her: (duplicate text)

me: I got it the first time, thankssssssSS!


I'm going to bail on this one i think this bitch may be crazy



Result 2

me: yo when you gonna let me tap that?

her: ZACK MILLER?!? I don't see you in a year and then you ask me that?!? What are you thinking snackshack?

me: ha....hi lynz

me: well you the one that got that job at the bar and disappeared!

her: well i just quit last week

me: say it ain't so

her: ya I'm dieing from a hangover today but another day for sure


:D having a girlfriend makes this game a little less fun


Result 3

fail, no reaction


Result 4

me: when can i tap yo ass u bish?

her: fuck you


result 5

me: yo when can i tap it?

her: since you put it like that...in a few hours

me: UH OH! WE GOT A HOE!!!

Edited by Miller
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Okay, lets step this game up a bit. I say next time you're out at a bar or where ever just ask any random girl face to face if you can tap it. It's Friday, so tonight should be good. I'll post my results... :D
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Me to GF

Me: When you gonna let me tap that?

GF: Whenever you want

Me: How bout now

GF: God I wish I wasn't at work



Me: Hey Cort "when you gonna let me tap that

Cort: Haha you funny




Me: Hey Ashley when you gonna let me tap that

Ashley: Stop it where did that come from?

Me: My dick

Ashley: No reply


Me: Hey Katie when you gonna let me tap that

Katie: OMG what are you talking about

Me: You know what im talking about


Me: Hey Katie F when you gonna let me tap that

Katie F: lmao youre funny

Me: No its a legit question

Katie F: You crack me up when you got a girl



Me: Lenzie when you gonna let me tap that

Lenzie: Excuse me

Me: No excuse for it, just answer the fucking question

Lenzie: No reply (lol)

Me: Dont front just answer me


Me: Hey Sarah when you gonna let me tap that

Sarah: Haha idk I need a car before I think about anything else

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Me: So when you gonna let me tap that

Her: What did you just say?


Mom: Eric you realize im on the phone with your grandmother

Me:no response

I hate not having my cell phone :(

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first two fail! nothing back


3rd one.

me. hey let me ask u something?

her. yeah what is it?

me. when u going to let me tap it?!!

her. what?

me. no what

her. idk

me. what????????????

her. let me text u back when my boy friend is gone;)

me. ill be waiting

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:D I love you Brandon... she was like ummm look at this text and I laughed.

what was you doing with her?

Okay, lets step this game up a bit. I say next time you're out at a bar or where ever just ask any random girl face to face if you can tap it. It's Friday, so tonight should be good. I'll post my results... :D


i have done this..it works on the hoes



no i know i have several numbers i could call, but i know i wont get no funnyz..just dana mad at me, and chickas wanting the cock

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Me- I have a question.

Fiancee- ??

Me- Can I tap that?

Fiancee- Lmao! Yeah

Me- When?

Fiancee- You freaked me out. I don't know why but usually if you want to ask me something you call not text. I figured I was in trouble.

Me- No trouble, just sexy time.


Me- Hey I got a question.

Her- What

Me- When you gonna let me tap that?

Her- Excuse me?

Me- You know...when

Her- Fuck you


Ashley- So I got a question.

Her- Yes?

Ashley- When you gonna let me tap that?

Her- Maybe tonight

Ashley- Oh hell yeah


^^ Tonight equals win???

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(to a known hooker)


Me: I have a serious question for you...

Mandi: Who is this?

Me: Show it to me and I will tell you!

Mandi: ...

Me: When am I going to tap that ass?

Mandi: Since I don't know who this is, NEVER!




Me: I have a question for you, Blondie!

Her: umm, Ok

Me: When are you going to let me tap that ass?

Her: Why are you asking every girl in your phone book this?

Me: I didn't... Just you and your friend. Make it happen!

Her: What did you get me for my birthday?

Me: Me!

Her: If you take me to the ocean you can.




Me: Hey, do you like the Beach Boys?

Her: Yeah, they're great!

Me: Do you like summer?

Her: Of course!

Me: How much do you like sex?

Her: More than you do!

Me: When are you going to let me tap that ass?

Her: Why?

Me: This is an unacceptable response... The question was when, not why!

Her: When can you come over?




Me: Show me your butthole!

Her: What?

Me: What didn't you understand?

Her: You are strange!

Me: Ok, well just send it to me and I will decide...

Her: Decide what?

Me: When you are going to let me tap that ass!

Her: Oh, you just had to ask. Where does my butthole fit into this?

Me: Very carefully.

Edited by cinergi
edited for structure, to break up the conversations better for easier reading.
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Allright i tried this twice with in a matter of two days. The first one was a complete failure to a girl named Page with a reply of " what do you think i am your fucking whore?? go fuck yourself asshole". Then i tried it on a girl named Jessica and her reply was "do you really want to?!". So, long story short i currently am 1 for 2 and i plan to do more attempts soon
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