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Influenza A help.


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This past sunday I go into work feeling kind of shitty, Had a headache and somewhat dizzy. An hour later im in the bathroom puking. My boss told me to go home and get some rest. Either way the next day I go polaris urgent care were my girlfriend works, because I still feel some what sick. They decide to put me on an IV they say im dehidrated and that they want to run a flu test on me. Well they decide to run 2 bags of fluid into me and while waiting they shove this huge cotton tip thing in my nose (freaked me out) either way I am on my last bag wishing I never came because its now 3:30 pm. My girlfriend comes in tells me that im positive for Influenza A . I am like what the fuck is that? are you sure you did not mix up the test? she says the doctor called union county health dept and they are now going to my work to investage and test my co workers. Well today is my 4th day off work the doctor said I should be off a week. Is this as serious as they are making it out to be? I dont even feel that bad, I thought I just ate somthing that did not go well in my gut.
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OMG you gave H1N1 to columbus. We are all going to fucking die send halp. I am calling fox news on you.


H1N1 is swine flu right? I doubt it either way they put me on some stuff called Tamiflu shit is a tear 3 medication for 10 pills was 120$ good thing I have insurance, which was still 60 bucks.

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A is a genus of virus that could be many specific viruses, H1N1 included. However if he had H1N1 he wouldn't be typing right now. They'd have quarantined him.


However, it must be pretty nasty if they gave you Tamiflu. That shit is basically the equivalent of dropping a nuclear bomb on your immune system. They're trying *hard* not to prescribe it unless absolutely necessary in hopes that H1N1 will still respond to it when it hits America later this year. H1N1 is already showing resistive strains. That's scary shitnessses.

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A is a genus of virus that could be many specific viruses, H1N1 included. However if he had H1N1 he wouldn't be typing right now. They'd have quarantined him.


However, it must be pretty nasty if they gave you Tamiflu. That shit is basically the equivalent of dropping a nuclear bomb on your immune system. They're trying *hard* not to prescribe it unless absolutely necessary in hopes that H1N1 will still respond to it when it hits America later this year. H1N1 is already showing resistive strains. That's scary shitnessses.


They did not test me for H1N1 he said they called the franklin co health dept and they told him that I did not needed tested. I have no idea whats going on, now all the people at my work are pissed or scared because some are sick also. union county is going to be busy because they also have to test all the inmate's that I am also in contact with.

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I am like WTF what if I have swine flu!


Even if you did, it's just the flu. As long as you don't have other serious health problems and you're not prego, then swine flu is nothing more than the flu.

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I am like WTF what if I have swine flu!


It's not much different than regular flu. Just take the Tamiflu and slow down.


People in our age group (teens to 40's) are the most vulnerable to new strains of flu. Surprising, right? You'd figure babies and old people would be dying. But that's false. Healthy, young people are most at risk because our immune systems go fucking ape shit and overreact and that's what kills us. So, slow down, relax, and get some sleep. Don't push your body too hard.


You may have H1N1, you may not. But given that you've been prescribed Tamiflu, it's in your best interest to lay down with some chicken soup and relax.

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It's not much different than regular flu. Just take the Tamiflu and slow down.


People in our age group (teens to 40's) are the most vulnerable to new strains of flu. Surprising, right? You'd figure babies and old people would be dying. But that's false. Healthy, young people are most at risk because our immune systems go fucking ape shit and overreact and that's what kills us. So, slow down, relax, and get some sleep. Don't push your body too hard.


You may have H1N1, you may not. But given that you've been prescribed Tamiflu, it's in your best interest to lay down with some chicken soup and relax.


Yeah thats good to hear, its what ive been doing, but I figured id be super sick not feel normal.

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That's why you gotta be careful. If your immune system is in overdrive you might feel pretty okay, but you gotta slow down because *that* is what will harm you. Pushing too hard while your body is fighting.
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That's why you gotta be careful. If your immune system is in overdrive you might feel pretty okay, but you gotta slow down because *that* is what will harm you. Pushing too hard while your body is fighting.


I am starting to feel really sick all of a sudden in the past hour ive felt really bad, I dont know much about medical stuff but should I go be seen again?

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I am starting to feel really sick all of a sudden in the past hour ive felt really bad, I dont know much about medical stuff but should I go be seen again?


No, the Tamiflu is going to make you feel like hammered hell - probably worse than the flu would. You need to watch for *severe* symptoms such as fever over 102, crippling vomiting/chills/hot flashes, fainting, etc. In the end, be smart - you'll know if you're just panicking or if something is *really* wrong.

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BTW, I am *not* a medical professional - I just know a lot about this and keep a eye on it. In no way should you take my opinions over the advice of any medical professional. Like I said, you'll know when something is bigger than just flu symptoms - be smart and keep a cool head. Don't panic and *rest*.
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Ok that was weird I layed down and passed out for an hour and now feel better, but the other day my temp was 103.9 I do not even remember driving home and laying down. hopfully it does not get that bad again.


Stop posting and go to bed

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