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Married Folks with Families type question


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I had a bunch of more "bad" than "good" when I was thinking hard about it earlier, but I can't remember them yet. It'll come back to me.

I think you already answered your own question, and at this point, you're looking for agreement amongst the tribe.

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I think you already answered your own question, and at this point, you're looking for agreement amongst the tribe.


Not really. I'm just looking to see what you folks would do, not to tell me if I should or should not do it. Basically a "would you" type question. It's not for everyone. and I'm not sure if everyone saw that I would be AT HOME every night.


Also, I wouldnt be glued to my desk all night. I can get up, see what everone is doing. Watch some TV, etc. My job doesn't require me to sit on the PC for 8 hours straight doing work every second of the day. There is a lot of down time.


Oh well. I am going to talk to my boss tonight and hopefully he can answer a few questions for me.

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I did this a while back for a little over a year. I have to tell you that it was great at first but towards the end I was ready to go back to work just to get out of the house. I also just recently moved from a mon-fri shift working 3pm-11pm. I missed out on a lot of stuff with the family and was ready for that to end after a year.
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It would depend, how old are your kids. If you kids are out of the house(college) it would make it easier. If your kids are younger I would have a hard time working though hours now since my kids are 10 and 9. This is a tuff call, you need to see you try it on a a trial basis or see if it could be one week one nights, the next week days.
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I'm thinking about asking my boss for a "month trial basis". If after a month I don't like it, I can go back. I'm sure that would fly for him, but I'm just not sure on the commitment of the deal quite yet.




I can't work in an office. Tried it twice. The deal you are proposing sounds great to me, but I'm up and productive those hours anyway. Add to the fact that I can roll out of bed and into my office, instant win.

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I work 2nd shift, it's not that bad, but i have a 19 month old. I can relate to the working from home thing too, my wife works here are the house.


The good thing is that you would/should still be able to eat dinner with your family, that makes it better than a typical 2nd shift job. If you start at 5pm that means you still get some time with the kids before work . . . it's not like u got a long commute :D But the family needs to realize that when you are working that you are technically "At work" and cannot be bothered, this many times this is kinda hard to adjust too.


Another possitive could also that you can eat lunch with the kids or pick them up from school, if it's something they want as well. And in the summer lack of kids time isn't really an issue.


Of course none of this is taking into account what your wife does.

Good luck with what ever choice you make.


On Edit: just read that there would be alot of down time. If it were me I'd look for where to sign up, it sure beats leaving home for honda at 3pm and rolling back home at 2am :(

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