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Student Loans?


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Alright so I'm finally biting the bullet and going back to school. My FAFSA loans are pretty much covering my classes. The thing is that I'm still going to need money for books, supplies, etc, AND I'm planning on moving out. So my question is, who can I go through to get a student loan (like where you pay it back after school like a normal student loan...sorry if that's redundant) for a few thousand dollars to help pay for that stuff, and to be a potential cushion for me when I move out, should I need essentially a pay advance?


Also any pointers or advice from people that have taken time off and successfully gone back to college would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys, wish me luck.

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my buddy uses sallie may. an gets like enough for his classes books an then liek 2 k extra for "expenses" each quarter goodluck man


i have mine threw us bank but i just borrowed enough to pay for the classes thats all. i wonder if they would give me more hah

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Guest tbutera2112
talk to the schools financial aid office....columbus state set me up with a $500 loan per quarter to cover books and supplies...idk who its through though...but your school may have a list of people you can contact about your student loans
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Ah see I didn't know the big banks like Chase did that kinda stuff. I've just seen those student loan commercials on TV talking about "how are you going to pay for all your other expenses...blah blah blah". I guess since I already bank with Chase I'll give them a call. I'll look into the other banks as well. About how long does it take to get the money? Thanks for the quick response guys.
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Ah see I didn't know the big banks like Chase did that kinda stuff. I've just seen those student loan commercials on TV talking about "how are you going to pay for all your other expenses...blah blah blah". I guess since I already bank with Chase I'll give them a call. I'll look into the other banks as well. About how long does it take to get the money? Thanks for the quick response guys.


im sorry to hear that you fail this bad. get the hell out of that bank seriously lol

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You never even gave me your number James!!! After all I did for you and you're gonna come at me like that!!! :( I should have known you were too good to be true! Hahahahaha thanks man.


And Paul, really all I have there is my checking account.


Ps what's this Sallie Mae jazz...I've been out of this game for a few years, I have no idea what you guys are talking about.

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You never even gave me your number James!!! After all I did for you and you're gonna come at me like that!!! :( I should have known you were too good to be true! Hahahahaha thanks man.


And Paul, really all I have there is my checking account.


Ps what's this Sallie Mae jazz...I've been out of this game for a few years, I have no idea what you guys are talking about.


go to google. type in sallie may you tard. its a company that deals with student loans...

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Get federal money if possible or sallie mae. Private bank loans will KILL you on interest when you graduate.


I am going to apply for as many grants as possible to see what kind of free money I can get.


Good advice here.

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100% in state tuition ;)


I've almost done it twice actually, and I'm currently seeing a girl in the ANG. I'll leave the military stuff to her haha. Mad props to anyone that serves our country though.

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Also, when using Amazon, take into account that some companies won't get you your book for an entire month, so if you can schedule early.


Federal Loans or Sallie Mae like stated above are what you should look into. I just filled out all mine today and I get enough to pay for tuition each quarter.

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First of all as others mentioned, make sure you max out all your federal loans first before thinking about private loans, as they are higher interest rate.


I just took out a fairly big private loan with national city/ pnc during spring quarter. The process took about a week to get to my bank account and i think interest rate is pretty much based on your credit rating.


Also about the book thing, check out half.com. What i would do is buy the book at the book store first on the 1st day of class and go to class to see if you actually need the book and if you do go online and buy it for cheaper and return the book on the last day of return period

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type in sallie may you tard.


The fail is strong in this one. Sallie Mae


Good call on the Yahoo delay. I ordered a book through them once and it didn't come for over a month. Since I ordered it a week before class that was well into the quarter.


Take into account what kind of student you were, think you are going to be. I was never one to read much of my text books, it didn't seem to help me that much. I probably could have gone without buying most of my books for elective classes. Core classes I highly suggest to buy the books and keep them (i.e. don't sell them back). Assuming you are going to actually use your degree, you will probably reference books from core classes at times during your career.

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First of all as others mentioned, make sure you max out all your federal loans first before thinking about private loans, as they are higher interest rate.


I just took out a fairly big private loan with national city/ pnc during spring quarter. The process took about a week to get to my bank account and i think interest rate is pretty much based on your credit rating.


Also about the book thing, check out half.com. What i would do is buy the book at the book store first on the 1st day of class and go to class to see if you actually need the book and if you do go online and buy it for cheaper and return the book on the last day of return period


this^^.... ive got both Direct Loans(govmt) and Sallie mae... Now that i'm out the interest isnt toooo terrible, but of course i wish it were better. Having to repay obviously SUCKS the big one. Right now I havent consolodated, because I havent seen a better rate for doing so. (havent looked too hard either).


Overall Id advise just trying to do federal only if they can cover all you need.


AND FWIW, online books are the shit. You can basically google-search the damn things...I never had them but my GF has some.

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