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Iphone owners please read.


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BTW the same guys also demonstrated exploits for windows mobile and android!



MUHAHAHAHA All your non blackberrys are belong to us.


The white paper on how they did it.



First. The muller guy is legit it seems.

Second. Today is black hat. normally the biggest most bad ass exploits get released today by security researchers. Its actually a big deal.

Third. At&T can filter these packets once it gets into the wild




My impressions.

If the sploit works how I'm guessing its a buffer overflow in the SMS program itself that allows injection of code. Once said code is injected its kinda like it jail breaks your iphone running its own code.


Control of the iphone.

If you've jailed broken your phone and played around much with the underlying OS you can actually SSH to another Iphone over the cell tower network. So basically I could add a user called thorne with a password and turn on SSH and someone could connect and run my phone


Now thats me installed SSH its not there by default. BUT this worm essitally could create its own control channels across the cell tower network.



BTW I'm not spewing bullshit on this one.

Edited by Thorne
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Guest tbutera2112
i wanna see it happen so mac fags will stfu about how much better their stuff is because it cant get hacked and comes preloaded with gay anal sex features
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But I though Apples couldn't crash or get viruses/trojans/spyware/etc. Isn't that why you pay so much more for them? :)


I pay extra for it because it works. That is worth the extra price, that and the way I feel better than everyone that doesn't have a mac :p.


Actually, I don't do alot of that techier-than-thou stuff. I like what I like and use the tools I choose.

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I pay extra for it because it works. That is worth the extra price, that and the way I feel better than everyone that doesn't have a mac :p.


Actually, I don't do alot of that techier-than-thou stuff. I like what I like and use the tools I choose.


Owning a working mac clone using only x86 hardware that dual boots windows feels better then buying a normal Mac machine. Epic points for doing this and running parallels on your 2nd monitor emulating window xp so no dual boot needed.


I should know I've owned both. ;)

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i wanna see it happen so mac fags will stfu about how much better their stuff is because it cant get hacked and comes preloaded with gay anal sex features


We just had to do emergency last minute patching of every Windows box on campus because of an activeX exploit which is to be released next week at Black Hat. But yet, you're right, iPhones suck yay Windows. Nevermind the fact that it actually makes news when an Apple product has a vulnerability. Windows exploits happen daily. :nono:

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We just had to do emergency last minute patching of every Windows box on campus because of an activeX exploit which is to be released next week at Black Hat. But yet, you're right, iPhones suck yay Windows. Nevermind the fact that it actually makes news when an Apple product has a vulnerability. Windows exploits happen daily. :nono:


holy crap is it possible that BOTH SYSTEMS MAY BE FLAWED!?!?!?!

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