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Mac computer ?


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I am having trouble with something on my mac, hopefully someone can help me...


I had a file in my trash can and I dragged it out and put it on my desktop. Then when I put it back in the trash, the # of items in the trash went back to what it was before, but I can not find the item at all. It is not labeled so I can not search for it by name. Any help? I'm more of a pc person.

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I think it's Time Machine or something.

Depending on when the last time you saved everything you could recover it that way as well.


Time Machine would only work if you physically have a back up.


I guess I'm having trouble understanding how you are looking for something that is not labeled....but yet you are looking for it?



If you have the file extension, for instance .mp3, you can use the "spotlight" magnifying glass in the top right hand corner and type in .mp3 or .porn, etc and it will search the Mac. That's your best case scenario.


Good luck!!

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