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Break Up letter generator


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Dear Sean Jones,


I'm terribly sorry I had to do this through a letter, this will make us both a lot better off, well me at least.. This note will be the last memory you'll ever have of me, Im done with you because I decided to be with your best friend, my bad.. Don't let it get you all upset inside, It was completely your fault, no doubt about it. It is because of your inability to quit picking your nose problems that keep me from being even remotely interested in continuing this relationship with you.


You'd be much better off finding a person that can deal with fun way you would always ruin a romantic moment by talking about your ex. I might miss certain things about you such as the time you flirted with my father at our family christmas dinner.


I'm glad this is done and we're going separate directions for good. I think you'll find someone to have an unhealthy relationship based on physical attraction. And hopefully we will still be close buddies.


Good riddance,Buck




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Dear brittany,


I'm terribly sorry I had to do this through a letter, this felt better than talking to you in person because I am a wuss like that.. This note will be the last memory you'll ever have of me, I really don't care for you anymore, thats the way it is.. Don't let it get you all upset inside, I always liked your friend more. It is because of your history of farting problems that keep me from being even remotely interested in continuing this relationship with you.


You'd be much better off finding a person that can deal with wonderful way you would always ruin a romantic moment by talking about your ex. I might miss certain things about you such as the time you pooped in the living room


I'm glad this is done and we're going separate directions for good. I think you'll find someone to cheat on you daily, and write a letter through text messages. And hopefully we will still be close buddies.




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