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Martial Blade Concepts


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Has anyone taken any training from these people?


My work has an auction every year where we make fake money over a period of 2 months and we can buy things at auction, one thing is a training certificate for this program. I'm thinking I may bid on it and try it out. One of our managers at another store is big into it, he bought a certificate for the auction last year and it went for a low amount. He said he'd take me with him. It seems like it's close quarters combat with a knife, which could be useful and I always carry a knife in my EDC.


I just though I may get some feedback from anyone else who has heard/been through it before.



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lift weights, buy gun, dont worry so much.


Check, check, better to have training and not need it than to need training and not have it.


A person with a knife within 21 feet can fatality wound you before you have even unholstered your weapon and got your first shot off. It's been a factual statement forever and tested over and over.


I wasn't asking for stupid comments, just feedback.

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A person with a knife within 21 feet can fatality wound you before you have even unholstered your weapon and got your first shot off. It's been a factual statement forever and tested over and over.


And the same thing applies to a knife in your pocket or hanging from your belt. A course that teaches UN-armed DEFENSE against edged weapons would be more effective.


Yes, I realize that they do teach some of that, but their splash page makes it appear that their emphasis is going to be, "STEP ONE: get your knife out."

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And the same thing applies to a knife in your pocket or hanging from your belt. A course that teaches UN-armed DEFENSE against edged weapons would be more effective.


Yes, I realize that they do teach some of that, but their splash page makes it appear that their emphasis is going to be, "STEP ONE: get your knife out."



If you've read what they are about and what they do, it's not just fighting with edged weapons. That's the name of the company and it's just stuck that way. Michael Janich is one of the top self-defense trainers in the country in all aspects of self-defense.

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A person with a knife within 21 feet can fatality wound you before you have even unholstered your weapon and got your first shot off. It's been a factual statement forever and tested over and over.


I wasn't asking for stupid comments, just feedback.


The Tueller drill, for anyone wanting to know.

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Best to know how to use a knife. Anyone who knows me on here knows I know a thing or two about guns, but I am a true knife fanatic. Think about it this way... In this litigious society you're pretty screwed if you use a gun and it's fairly easy to track if you have to GTFO and leave the scene. This could be for many reasons, I will let you use your imagination. However, with a knife in use good luck finding out what happened. Plus it's a lot less noisy. In a CQB situation the knife wins 95% of the time in the gun vs knife fight.


I know of these guys, and I do highly recommend them even though I have never personally been involved with them. I will rate them well above TDI for certain.

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