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Suggestions for curbing appetite


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When I was working, I only ate one meal a day(dinner), When I got hurt I lost nearly 50lbs in a week. my appetite is back and I have rgained almost 30 lbs of it. But I have started a bad habit of eating all night long. Its hard to sleep at night due to the foot aching after using it all day, so I get up around 10am, where I used to get up at 5-6am. I have never eaten breakfast(still dont0 and I can eat a reasonable lunch and dinner. A small salad or ramen noodles will siffice for lunch, if I eat anything. And I eat what I would consider smaller than pre accident dinners. But man come 9-10pm and I cant get enough. Any ideas? Is my daily diet wrong and thats what makes me so hungry?
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I'm a huge fan of the late night pizza. But I find that if I work out after dinner, I'm really not hungry later on. I'll usually lift, have a protein shake, then just be donezo. I'd imagine that you still can't get a lot of exercise, but can you do just an upper body workout?
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I started lifting the other night to try and rebuild some muscle, I started riding my bike off and on. I started physical therapy the other day and I treadmill there and will start using mine here at the house. I am active all day long once I am up. I started rebuilding my retaining walls around the house today and have been doing stuff around the house and outside for almost 2 months. I am no where near as fast at things as I was but I keep moving. I tried to get them to let me go back to work on light duty but workers comp and my doc said no until october something hopefully.
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I can drink if I am with people and everyone is drinking. And I can usually hold my own. but beer is just fucking nasty. I have never had any alcohol I could say "hey this tastes good. I was talking with my dad the other day and I asked him if he liked beer. (he drinks very lightly) and he said he enjoys a cold beer after working sometimes. I took this to mean it tastes like a cold drink on a hot day(refreshingly good). I just cant see it. Is it really that good to you. Does it taste refreshing or what?
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small meals every couple hours. I am holding steady but have found that coffee and oatmeal or a bananna and milk blended will keep me until about 10am.


Carrots and ranch / fruit will then hold me until lunch. There I've been trying to do a light lunch - nothing much or heavy. Eat smart.


At 2pm I do another snack like a special k bar and some fruit. Keeps me until dinner, where I will eat a little more, but still take it easy.


Where I blow it is late night snacks and cravings combined with zero will power. I may just go make a PB&J with a glass of chocolate milk now :o

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What time is dinner?


at my house usually between 6:30 and 7pm. sometimes as late as 7:30 but not often as we have kids to shuffle off to bed.


what's crazy is the time / schedule insanity kids brought to our world. wouldn't trade it for anything, but damn I do miss the days of having tons of extra money and time.

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trying eating more foods high in protien like chicken, tuna, eggs, cheese sticks, ect. You still may eat a good bit with your appetite back but you will stay fuller looker and the protien will also help build muscle and maintain muscle as you work out.


try this


breakfast 2 or 3 eggs howevery you like them ( for me its scrammbled with sherded cheese about 1 oz.) and a glass of oj or milk

snack apple and a cheese stick

lunch turkey or roast beef sandwich with a boag of chips(treat yourself)

snack hard boiled egg and a protien shack made with 1% milk

dinner steak or chicken or pork with a vegtable and salad with whatever dressing you like.


after dinner if your still hungry have some nuts or something simple.


But the idea behind all that is everymeal you are taking in some protien even if it is a little bit and that will help with your hunger, also try staying busy doing something you enjoy are are also probably eating out of bordom.

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Eating out of boredom is possible or to subside the pain in the foot. But its like I cant get enough to eat. Just in the last hour I have eaten 1/2 a bag of chex mix, packet of ramen noodles, 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and a whole box of strawberries, oh and a few grapes). And I am walking to the fridge for something now.
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Why must you curb your appetite? Eat dinner at around 6pm and that's it for the day, with exception to maybe a light snack later on. Your body wants food to convert to energy, so eating late at night makes little sense.
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Eating out of boredom is possible or to subside the pain in the foot. But its like I cant get enough to eat. Just in the last hour I have eaten 1/2 a bag of chex mix, packet of ramen noodles, 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and a whole box of strawberries, oh and a few


Sorry about my PB&J comment....you have no will power either :p


What I did to drop about 5-7 lbs just this week....eat tons of fruit. I think I've had two big bags of grapes, an entire water mellon, cantaloupe and a about a dozen apples and oranges combined.


Not only was I able to get my sweet-tooth fix naturally, I was eating, thus my compulsion was satisfied...and let's just say I'm more than regular. I feel like I'm back in high school trying to wrestle at my target weight :o and no, I never felt hungry.

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