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So...Does Vick deserve the right to play?


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I'll be rooting for The Eagles to win the Super Bowl this year...GO VICK!!!




I think he deserves to play. Yea he did the crime but he also man enough to do his time. He did his time now let the man do what he does best

Edited by shotgun
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Guest tbutera2112
I think his punishment fit the crime for the most part. It's the murderers and rapists who are getting off too easy.



"They're animals" - Yes, genius, that's the fucking point of why it's so horrible. And yes, cows and animals are killed everyday, but it would not be acceptable to fight them for entertainment or kill them inhumanely.


then go protest cock fighting, bull fighting, hunting, fishing, etc

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There aint nothing like having a big innocent buck in your crosshairs and pulling the trigger and watching it run off and fall withering in pain until it finally takes its last breath and dies in a patch of poison ivy...At least fighting dogs gives the animal a chance at survival even if its brutal...
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Fishing.. Sticking a hook through a fish causing it pain then letting it suffocate outside the water until it dies.


Hunting.. Shooting an animal then following it until it bleeds out in severe pain.


How many of you dog lovers go hunting? Those bunnies you are killing could have been someones pet that got loose :( And dont get me started on bambi..




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Fishing.. Sticking a hook through a fish causing it pain then letting it suffocate outside the water until it dies.


Hunting.. Shooting an animal then following it until it bleeds out in severe pain.


How many of you dog lovers go hunting? Those bunnies you are killing could have been someones pet that got loose :( And dont get me started on bambi..






But thats different...

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And the point about cows not getting killed inhumanly. What does it matter there getting killed! Doesn't matter how they are. Pitts are def very vicious animals. I'm not saying what he did was fine, but it doesn't deserve some of the shit he's gotten. Pitts have harmed small children before. There just unstable

There's a very obvious problem with dog fighting. A problem that does relate anywhere in the process of euthanizing animals in preparation for food use. Yes, it does actually matter why and how they're being killed. Ignorance.


then go protest cock fighting, bull fighting, hunting, fishing, etc

Hunting and fishing are just staples of the natural food chain. And I do protest cock-fighting and bull fighting. What's your point?


Fishing.. Sticking a hook through a fish causing it pain then letting it suffocate outside the water until it dies.


Hunting.. Shooting an animal then following it until it bleeds out in severe pain.


How many of you dog lovers go hunting? Those bunnies you are killing could have been someones pet that got loose :( And dont get me started on bambi..





You have failed to make any real point, just as the others have failed. Fishing and hunting are done for not just entertainment, but there are practicality and things to gain from it. It is also natural. They should not be done solely for entertainment and/or gambling. Yes, I do hunt. When I hunt, I do make an attempt to end an animals' life as quickly as possible. I hunt to obtain the best meat and animal product possible; not for entertainment or to throw money at.


It's difficult for me to comprehend how some of you have such a tough time recognizing the obvious contrast between hunting and animal abuse.

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the reason so many "PITTS" are unstable is due to junkyard breading with the intention of creating a fighting machine. A true PIT of good bloodlines is not vicious they are protective.


Imurobgyn on here owns 2 pits and both of them are awesome dogs.


Punish the Deed Not the Breed

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It's difficult for me to comprehend how some of you have such a tough time recognizing the obvious contrast between hunting and animal abuse.


Because hunting is animal abuse. You just use the fact that you are eating it as justification for causing an animal harm. Some of those pits are lucky enough to walk away, the animal you shoot with a gun "hoping" for a fast kill isnt that lucky. If you dont think killing is a form of abuse just because you eat it afterwards you are retarded.


BTW in the wilderness animals kill other animals to show dominance. Not everything in nature kills for food.


What if the dogs were cooked with a nice sauce afterwards.. then would it be ok? Thats pretty much what they do after they get done bull fighting.

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the reason so many "PITTS" are unstable is due to junkyard breading with the intention of creating a fighting machine. A true PIT of good bloodlines is not vicious they are protective.


Imurobgyn on here owns 2 pits and both of them are awesome dogs.


Punish the Deed Not the Breed


I raised my AmStaff similarly to how I raised my yellow lab/mut; he turned out to be more obedient and kind then nearly any dog I've ever met. Most people on here that would oppose a bully breed are confined to their own social shell and have either never met one of the many good owners out there, or negativity is easier for them to understand.

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Guest tbutera2112
Because hunting is animal abuse. You just use the fact that you are eating it as justification for causing an animal harm. Some of those pits are lucky enough to walk away, the animal you shoot with a gun "hoping" for a fast kill isnt that lucky. If you dont think killing is a form of abuse just because you eat it afterwards you are retarded.


BTW in the wilderness animals kill other animals to show dominance. Not everything in nature kills for food. So saying a natural death is a bunch of bs.


go figure the black guy is cool with dog fighting....:p jk haha

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go figure the black guy is cool with dog fighting....:p jk haha


LOL! I actually train and raise dogs that are about to be put to sleep in the pound.. I just do it without my head shoved up my ass. I've probably saved more dogs than any of these people in this thread. Dog fighting is bad, but there are a lot of things people do that are comparible that are considered ok...

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Because hunting is animal abuse. You just use the fact that you are eating it as justification for causing an animal harm. Some of those pits are lucky enough to walk away, the animal you shoot with a gun "hoping" for a fast kill isnt that lucky. If you dont think killing is abuse you are retarded.


It is obvious that an animal will die at the end of both animal fighting and hunting. However, the intententions and circumstances of both make or break whether or not one is acceptable. There's a reason one is frowned upon and illegal while the other is not. I'll stick to hunting and dog-loving and you go ahead and pull the "abuse is abuse" argument and open a dog-fighting ring.


I'll take that "retard" comment as an instinct of your ignorance. I'll bet all of my competence to anything you've got. <3

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Dog fighting is bad, but there are a lot of things people do that are comparible that are considered ok...


Jesus Christ. I don't think anybody is disputing that, yet you're arguing that there is a duality of abuse that exists between dog fighting and hunting. If you really insist on referring to both as "abuse" then at least acknowledge that their clearly different.

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It is obvious that an animal will die at the end of both animal fighting and hunting. However, the intententions and circumstances of both make or break whether or not one is acceptable. There's a reason one is frowned upon and illegal while the other is not. I'll stick to hunting and dog-loving and you go ahead and pull the "abuse is abuse" argument and open a dog-fighting ring.


I'll take that "retard" comment as an instinct of your ignorance. I'll bet all of my competence to anything you've got. <3


The first step in an argument is having knowledge and knowing what you are talking about.. In this you failed making your arguments worthless. Not all animals that are shot while hunting die just as not all dogs fights end with death. The barbaric nature of both would like for a kill the be the ultimate ending but it doesnt always work that way. A dog fighting for dominance over another dog happens all the time without the need of human instigation. Some dogs are naturally territiorial creatures that will fight to prove this. The fact that people get involved is what makes it senseless killing. Just as you hunting for food when there is a grocery store down the street = senseless killing. You hunt other animals just to do it, not because if you dont kill them you will starve. The animal you are killing doesnt have to die in order for you to eat so why are you participating in a senseless act of death. You do it because its fun and to test out your new gun you got from walmart. You killing an animal for the fun of it while trying to say killing other animals is bad makes you the wrong person to argue any point here. You should leave this thread and leave it to the people that dont think killing is ok.


I'm going to go walk my dog, you keep telling yourself that shooting an animal then following a trail of blood as is suffers and staggers along until it doesnt have enough energy to walk and lays there twitching until you find it and put another bullet in it to kill its is an ok way to kill animals /runonsentence.

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The first step in an argument is having knowledge and knowing what you are talking about.. In this you failed making your arguments worthless. Not all animals that are shot while hunting die just as not all dogs fights end with death. The barbaric nature of both would like for a kill the be the ultimate ending but it doesnt always work that way. A dog fighting for dominance over another dog happens all the time without the need of human instigation. Some dogs are naturally territiorial creatures that will fight to prove this. The fact that people get involved is what makes it senseless killing. Just as you hunting for food when there is a grocery store down the street = senseless killing. You hunt other animals just to do it, not because if you dont kill them you will starve. The animal you are killing doesnt have to die in order for you to eat so why are you participating in a senseless act of death. You do it because its fun and to test out your new gun you got from walmart. You killing an animal for the fun of it while trying to say killing other animals is bad makes you the wrong person to argue any point here. You should leave this thread and leave it to the people that dont think killing is ok.

Unfortunately, you possess little knowledge as to why I hunt. I choose to be honest with nature. If I'm going to eat meat, I want to be the one to take that animal's life, as it is the least I owe to it. You act as if meat grows in little Styrofoam plates at the supermarket; I eat little premade or processed foods anymore. I grow and eat my own vegetables and attempt to only eat meat that I butchered. You are arguing that all killing is bad(which I don't deny) but it will be done anyway; I choose to do it myself out of respect and it being much cleaner and healthier, while you can have somehow kill for you and you still reap the benefits.


Dog fighting is a bloodsport. If you really think that I hunt for desire to kill or sadistic nature(the same sadism in dog-fighting) then perhaps the walls of your little world are unreachable.

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Unfortunately, you possess little knowledge as to why I hunt. I choose to be honest with nature. If I'm going to eat meat, I want to be the one to take that animal's life, as it is the least I owe to it. You act as if meat grows in little Styrofoam plates at the supermarket; I eat little premade or processed foods anymore. I grow and eat my own vegetables and attempt to only eat meat that I butchered. You are arguing that all killing is bad(which I don't deny) but it will be done anyway; I choose to do it myself out of respect and it being much cleaner and healthier, while you can have somehow kill for you and you still reap the benefits.



I will say that that at least sounds respectable. As someone that only buys organic foods I know how hard it is to avoid processed foods... I'll finish this thought later I have to go facilitate a football practice.



In the meantime it was nice to have an adult conversation on here for a change. Thanks for making me think.

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He paid his time so he should be allowed to go back to work. Same thing goes if his employer was Wally World. The only time I feel a felon should not get their job back is if their crime could be related or used against their employer. If you get a felony charge and go to jail for insurance fraud then you can't work for an insurance company again. Any other non related insurance company why the fuck not. You still need to eat.


Speaking of eating killing animals is fine as long is it is not for fun. If you hunt and either eat the animal, or use the animal's skins or whatever that is ok. If you are just killing a deer then taking a picture then leaving it there to rot that is not right. You are a cold blooded killer in my mind if you do that.


Same thing goes for killing humans. I wouldn't condone eating human flesh or using their skins but if you kill a human (random crime or in the armed forces and required to kill) you are a murder. Still you are wonderful for laying down your life for your country there is no doubt of that in my mind. You are a true hero to your country, but I sure as hell would not do that. If I was forced to join the military I would become a chaplain. I don't want to kill humans.


I wish there was a PETA for humans. We need a group of people to go after people who kill, enslave, rape and pillage humans in crimes all over the world. Animals are nice all all that mushy shit but we are clearly the highest on the food chain for a reason. And that reason is because we are fucking awesome and pwned every other species.

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Death is a part of life. Not everyone is lucky enough not to suffer before they go. Tradition is a big part of life as it is in death. War, religion, nature, stupidity, it all ties together. A death is a death is a death. Humans are wasteful parisites of the planet that find fun in multiple forms of torture. Thats why I am proud to be Martian.


The circle of life isnt a circle, its more like a conveyor belt that replaces the old with the new until the machine breaks.. then you go extinct.

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first off hell no!


I understand having to work, but he will make MILLIONS playing football... playing a fucking game!!! I have issues with people making that much playing a game in the first place and a person like him that did unspeakable things to harmless animals... ya, honestly, I agree with him being torn to shreads by rabid dogs, let along to allowing him to play a game and not have to lose his millionare lifestyle....


IMO, the only job he should be allow to have is cleaning out horse stalls for the rest of his life making minimum wage.

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I dont think he should be able to play another game in his life. What he did was inhumane, dog fighting part is not the worst of his crimes. He had raping posts, where female dogs get raped by male dogs all day long. He had the weak and smaller dogs go into to a ring and make his fighting dog go and kill the smaller ones to build up the fighting dog's confidence. Not to mention the abuse he put into many dogs.


Think of it like this, would you want a rapist work at a school? Thief to work at a bank? By him playing for another team will only encourage his previous crime.

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