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Manscaping question: Maintaining a bald head


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My girlfriends mother wears scarves whenever she doesn't wear a wig. They actually work very well. The only problem is when someone asks if you are having a bad hair day. :/


We are rooting/praying for you guys up north! You seem like you both are in good spirits, keep that up! A positive attitude goes such a long way!


Maybe overstepping my bounds here but... Have you looked into things to help Chemo/Radiation treatments? This anti-viral called Protocel is something you may want to try. Its expensive but my girlfriends mom swears up and down it saved her life.

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All, thanks for the replies.


We've actually got a couple of pretty decent wigs that look good but from all the research we've done they're hot and itchy and she won't likely want to wear them all the time so there are going to be pleanty of occasions where she goes out wearing a scarf, hat or showing off a bald head.


The gym is a perfect example. no way in hell she's going to be in there wearing a wig. However the gym is one of her favorite places to escape so she's not going to stop going.




Actually a bald head at the gym would probably feel pretty good. I remember when I first shaved my head, I could feel every little breeze across my scalp. Problem will be no hair to keep the sweat from rolling down into the eyes. A bandanna would probably be a good choice there, also when the weather gets cold a bandanna insulates well. I used to wear one under my hard hat when we were working outside in the winter and it worked great. Sunscreen will be a must too (don't forget the top of your ears). Burning your scalp is a minor annoyance, but the peeling is nasty. I hope your wife does well with her treatment, that cannot be an easy thing to go through.

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My name is John.. and I am bald as fuck.

I actually use a 4 blade razor.. Ill let the warm water run over my head for a little bit in the shower and shave last. I use 50/50 mixture of shaving cream AND conditioner (!) it works amazing actually. I shave against the hair even.. It works like a damn charm.

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