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Small favor to ask for people with a truck this saturday (8/22)


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I've got a female friend of mine who had some health problems hit her unexpected recently and had to move from osu back home with her parents in west jeff to recoup and get some money saved up for her hospital bills. She doesn't have a lot of money but she needs to have like 4-5 things moved from her apartment out to west jeff and she would be willing to pay gas and maybe lunch or something for those who would help out.


I'll be there obviously if anyone wouldn't mind lending a hand. She needs like a dresser, bed, desk and like 1 or 2 small things but her being without a vehicle to get or the cash to rent something, she's stressing.


So I thought I would ask on here since I know a number of people have trucks and what not so I figured I would put my question out here. The day would be this saturday August 22nd and I really can't see whatever we'd move having to take more than a couple hours including the travel time. Pick up, load, go to west jeff ??? Profit.


PM me or just post up or what not. Again I know, not a typical thing to ask and I hope I've got it in the right area but I felt sorry for her because she's a good girl just not a lot of friends who have access to a truck or strong arms.

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You guys are awesome. I'll find out from her if friday or what not works better for some and what not.


As for saturday Mark, i'm pretty sure anytime saturday morning early would be fine since it's just a few bits to pick up.


I'll have an update for everything and phone numbers and what not for people to buzz me at so we can figure out the rest.

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I was waiting for that one heh. You can see the little miss on friday or saturday if people come out to help, lol.


As for how many truck loads I'd say two trucks gauging from what she told me she had. A dresser, a glass L shaped desk, a book case, a chair, her bed (queen size mattress), her headboard, and random boxes and a couple end tables.


If friday would work for some people around 2-3, we should be able to do it all then if that would work better. The sooner, the better. So maybe a couple of yas could come down and yes, she's single and a pretty cute chick :p

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I was waiting for that one heh. You can see the little miss on friday or saturday if people come out to help, lol.


As for how many truck loads I'd say two trucks gauging from what she told me she had. A dresser, a glass L shaped desk, a book case, a chair, her bed (queen size mattress), her headboard, and random boxes and a couple end tables.


If friday would work for some people around 2-3, we should be able to do it all then if that would work better. The sooner, the better. So maybe a couple of yas could come down and yes, she's single and a pretty cute chick :p



PM sent

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Alright pending that everything goes well tomorrow the plan is to meet up somewhere centrally located tomorrow around 3ish to get this stuff loaded up and moved on over. I believe I've got Dyno Bryan and Chad who are going to help out, but WE appreciate you guys looking out for someone you don't even know.


Very appreciative but if something awkward happens tomorrow i'll post up or try to get a hold of folks on here.


Thanks again everyone

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GTPnLS1 came on by and got us loaded up with one truck load but we'll need one more to get the rest of the stuff out of here (the book case, the fridge, the desk, the dresser and the AC with misc. small shit but that's like a couple end tables now) since Bryan's gotta get his shop together for the dyno I think and has been busy today so if anyone else is free tonight we could knock the rest of this out in one trip.


Thanks again folks for the assist.

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