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Surviving Disaster.

Fiji ST

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New SpikeTV show to fill in while "Jesse Is A Deadman" is on break. I can honestly say, after seeing some of the commercials, I am actually looking forward to this show.


If you haven't heard of it, it deals with ways you can survive in certain situations, such as a plane hijacking, avalanche, nuclear explosion, etc. It's suppose to be a real-life reenactment of each event, so it should be INTENSE.


There's a trailer in the link below. Looks awesome.



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The Colony on Discover is somewhat like that. It's on Teusdays @ 10pm.


I've watched a few episodes. It's a very cool concept, but I can't stand how they have to show people bitching about others in the colony. It gives it that fake reality show feel which I can't stand.

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I've watched a few episodes. It's a very cool concept, but I can't stand how they have to show people bitching about others in the colony. It gives it that fake reality show feel which I can't stand.


Exactly, just like I thought survivor would've been people actually surviving. I would give em a swiss army knife, fishing line, and a book of matches.

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Yeah I have seen a few commericals for this and plan on watching it.


I also watched a few episodes of the Colony and stopped watching it. How realitic would it be if a SHTF event happens and all those type of people just happen to find each other and band together. Maybe one or 2 that may have some useful skills, but the rest should be average Joe's to make it more realistic.

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