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Stolen Laptop!

Dr. Apex

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My laptop computer was stolen recently from my apartment. Should anyone see someone with a HP Pavilion DV7 Bronze 17" laptop for sale or someone who just got it for super cheap please let me know. I'm scouring craigslist but my odds of finding it are probabl none.


There is a cash reward for the return of the computer or just finding the fuck who stole it so I can show them how much I appreciate theives.



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No questions asked.


I'll take it!!! LOL!


Oddly nothing else was taken despite my lcd tv right there and camcorder as well. They did take the box it came in which means they had to go into my closet to get that. It had the receipts in it but I've already talked to best buy about it.


What sucks is my personal info is on that computer, I really wish they had gone online with it and tried to acces my bank account so they could be tracked but nothing so far. It's probably long gone by now.

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Uhhh...... they took your notebook, and then went into your closet to take the box & reciept, and took nothing else in your house?


I call bullshit.






just like peopel thought it was bs that som eone broke into my rental stole my laptop camera an cash...


stuff like that is easy to move an easy to sell. crap like a lcd isant as easy to hide an get around. a laptop you can walk aroudn down the street an no one would know you had it.


but the fact that knew where the box was was a littel fishy. had any iffy friends over? i know you had some issues with a roommate a month back is he still living there? on good terms? might want to persue these cause its wierd they woudl go for the box....

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Guest Melanie

It does sound like someone who's been to your house before. The show that used to be on called To catch a thief used to say that thieves will take stuff in a matter of minutes. If the box isn't easy to see in your closet they probably knew it was there already.

That's probably why they didn't take the tv too. Too obvious to carry down the street, and you'd see it at their house. The camcorder not being taken is weird too. I'd look for sketchy people who already own one and didn't need it. aka... a "friend" that's poor and needs new shit.

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Uhhh...... they took your notebook, and then went into your closet to take the box & reciept, and took nothing else in your house?


I call bullshit.






Not BS, I did just part ways with the old roommate and not on good terms. The police believe the old roommate stole it though we don't have any proof. In talking with him the cop said he was dodging some of the questions and couldn't give some straight awnsers, basically he sounded nervous to the cop though that doesn't make him guilty of anything.


I've been looking into something like a Lo-jack for laptops, other than what Tim suggested does anyone else have any other suggestions for security??

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Not BS, I did just part ways with the old roommate and not on good terms. The police believe the old roommate stole it though we don't have any proof. In talking with him the cop said he was dodging some of the questions and couldn't give some straight awnsers, basically he sounded nervous to the cop though that doesn't make him guilty of anything.


I've been looking into something like a Lo-jack for laptops, other than what Tim suggested does anyone else have any other suggestions for security??


Lock cable: http://www.amazon.com/Kensington-K64560US-ComboSaver-Portable-Notebook/dp/B001911ZRQ/ref=pd_cp_e_1


Not saying that someone can't cut through this with the right tools, but it's a good deterrent. I used this when I lived in the dorms because I don't trust anyone. Almost all laptops made in the last few years have the little slot for this to go into, just wrap it around a sturdy desk or something and you're good to go.

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