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Caption This....


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" Oh I put this in the formula and it will run 10's no problem...."


"Hey man will a stock bottom end LS1 support this?"


"Blue car needs boost, this should work"




Or we have




Anthony: "Will it fit on the truck?"

Mark: "Oh yea might have to move a thing or two but oh yea"

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i have a few for this one!




My crank bolt is bigger!


If can get this in the blue car, i can be a off road champ then.


I wonder if i can jew at this guys ear long enough to give mark enough time to unbolt all this shit.

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Pist, Mark...I'll draw his attention and you start taking that turbo thingy do-hickey off.

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AH HA! Now I know where I have seen this expression before. He had a very similar one a while ago after he was done working on his car and there was an "extra" bolt laying on the floor. "Hmm... where does this extra bolt go?" :lol:

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