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Witnessed an accident today, and saw a dog fly out the window!


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My wife and I were at the Polaris Parkway / 23 instersection. I was in the left westbound lane, stopped at the light.


Heading north on 23 was a red 90's Olds something or other 2-door car. In the turn lane on 23 southbound turning left was a silver late 90's 4-door S-Blazer.


The Blazer turns left right in front of the Olds, and gets T-boned. When it gets hit, the dog that was in the back seat of the Blazer flys out the open window.


Luckily, the Blazer didn't hit it...it landed on the ground hard, got up and was walking around find. Some gray, scraggly looking 40ish pound dog. The driver of the Blazer was some old-ass dude with a cane, with his I am guessing 40-ish son. Guy in the Olds was in his 50's and shook up / pissed.


I call 911, but someone already had. I pull my truck to the berm, and stayed as a witness. I didn't check on the people in the accident since they all got out of their cars themselves right away. Impact was probably at 20-30MPH (Olds hit his brakes).


Luckily I stayed as a witness, as the trooper told me the dude in the Blazer was claiming he had the yellow light and the other guy should have been stopped (total lie). I left my witness statement, so that probably made life easier for the guy in the Olds, who ended up going to the hospital.


State Trooper response was very fast...I'd say less than 2 minutes and they were there...actually, response in general from the fire dept., and other troopers was very impressive.


The dog flying out of the window was priceless / sad (I saw it in almost slow-motion). At least it was uninjured.

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Glad you weren't in the intersection. I am very careful about entering intersections for that very reason. Even as careful as I am, I had a girl turn left in front of me back in 2006. Totally caught me off guard. Thankfully no injuries.
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Too bad you did not get that on video....lol





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