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Dont leave ur race tires outside!!!!


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I knew cold was not good for tires,but i'd never thought this would happen! 5 sets of my race tires were left in my non climate controlled garage and they are all now destroyed!!!!!!! I cant even believe this! they shattered!



Edited by gixxie750
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holy mackeral

maybe talk to the mfg? i dunno if they specifically say, "don't leave your expensive race compound tires in the freezing cold, ya nub" but if they do state there is a range of temps they can be stored in, and your cold garage was in higher temps than that, maybe they'll help you out.

how old were they?

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Dunlops site says the following..

Try to avoid frequent and varied extremes of temperature during storage.

Do not keep tires next to radiators or sources of heat. Tires subjected to these conditions will age more quickly than those stored in a cool, constant environment.

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It does suck something fierce.. sorry to hear about it.. thats allot of cash down the drain. I didnt see anything on Pirelli's site so if I were you, I would send them an email with the pictures and see if they are willing to help you in anyway.. you have nothing to loose by trying

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I just want to cry!!!! I just got these pirellis from lizard and never got to try them..... I wish my tires were near a radiator damit lol. Oh well i guess i learned a real real valuable lesson so dont let it happen to any of you!

was this in an attached garage or detached garage? Any of the tires on wheels? Just curious bc I have a set of wheels still on my R6 but it is an attached garage so I figured they should be fine.

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For some reason it happens with tires not mounted than tires mounted. For example, I had a set of slicks that I left outside over winter a few years ago. Was going to throw them out anyways, but when I went to get them, they looked like Gixxie's.

What I think happens is that they freeze like a bottle of water. I think the cracking starts at freezing.

There isn't going to be a tire company that will stand up and warrant tires you've left out in the freezing cold.

ALL RACE COMPOUND TIRES SHOULD BE STORED INSIDE or in temps that do not reach below freezing for long periods or WAY below freezing for short periods...

Bummer, dude, but it is something any racer should know. If they were in a garage, they should have been fine as typically the wind and such should protect them.

I have a set of slicks mounted to my spare wheels in the garage and have been over winter - no cracks. Of course, they are junk, but they were really only on the wheels to roll the bike around...

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