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Craigslist people are stupid 2.0


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Some goofy kid just called me at midnight asking about something I have posted. When I told him it was fucking midnight, he made the clever observation that I did not post not to call this late which was true and maybe I am out of touch with the way things work, but jesus fucking christ get real. Another situation where parents fail to teach their offspring how to handle situations.
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The bad thing about craigslist and emails is alot of people have the spam filters so high that half the responses are never seen. I only put my number on shit I really want gone fast. i asnwered the phone to make sure someone wasnt dead. Edited by wnaplay
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he made the clever observation that I did not post not to call this late


Did he request not to post his number on a message board? Did he request not to be called by members of said message board every 10 minutes, or receive the random pic messages of genitalia? :cool:

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i get a similar situation when i call people at work doing collections...actually had one today that made me crack up



call a cell phone, they answer


"yeah mrs. so-and-so, calling about your past due credit card with XXXX"

"i cant talk, im at work"

"well, then why did you answer the phone?"

"i thought it was my family. who the fuck are you to ask me that?"

"you thought i was family? you live in new york, im calling from ohio. do you have family here? and i find it odd you 'cant talk' because you're at work, but you can use profanities like that???"


then i got into it with her a little more before pissing her off to the point she hung up, which is what i was going for. lol

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i get a similar situation when i call people at work doing collections...actually had one today that made me crack up



call a cell phone, they answer


"yeah mrs. so-and-so, calling about your past due credit card with XXXX"

"i cant talk, im at work"

"well, then why did you answer the phone?"

"i thought it was my family. who the fuck are you to ask me that?"

"you thought i was family? you live in new york, im calling from ohio. do you have family here? and i find it odd you 'cant talk' because you're at work, but you can use profanities like that???"


then i got into it with her a little more before pissing her off to the point she hung up, which is what i was going for. lol

i love collections lol this is daily for me :)


lol that sucks ide be pissed off for is coem oen calle dme then but thats why you DO NOT put your # on c-list

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you get a 1000 emails and 40 call , 2 ppl actually will ever show up but neither ever have money it seems lol


i actualy had a post on CL last weekend, first guy to email me within hour of posting, i gave number to call in email, he called and gave him directions, was here in an hr and had the exact amount of cash for a garage door opener...... why cant they all be that easy

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