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I could have had a big fat check from insurance


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as nice as that does sound, id fucking hate it if my place burnt down. most of my stuff can be replaced, but theres that little % of stuff that couldnt, and i wouldnt have the time or mindset of grabbing all the stuff that couldnt be replaced, while trying to get away from a fire.
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Mine was built in 52 but my breaker box looks updated and has a 1974 writing on it. So I guess it is from 74? My outlets are older then that though. They are not even grounded just the 2 prong outlets.


I found out my addition to my house has a ground setup with wires they ran. It looks different if I look at my breaker lines running up from the basement. It sounds weird but just installing a 3 prong outlet into them makes a ground. I even tested it with my UPS and it said it was grounded. The rest of the wires to the other part of my house don't look the same coming out the breaker so they can stay 2 prong for now.


Your 2 prong set up could either be grounded to the plumbing or just the outlet box is providing a ground, but in either case its not very safe and a good shock could easily take you out. I see a lot of office equipment plugged into crap like that all the time and I don't like working on it. Sometimes the jokers cut the ground prong off the cords:-)

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Your 2 prong set up could either be grounded to the plumbing or just the outlet box is providing a ground, but in either case its not very safe and a good shock could easily take you out. I see a lot of office equipment plugged into crap like that all the time and I don't like working on it. Sometimes the jokers cut the ground prong off the cords:-)


Yeah it seems it is grounded by the outlet box. If I was motivated enough I would rewire it but i am lazy. It is a fire hazard I know =/

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Don't you hate that? (You meant to run out but intinctively put out the fire) I remember running around Cali w/full insurance on a piece of shit car I used for work. Finally, the perfect opportunity as this guy blew through a stop sign to tbone me. What did I do? Reflexively, before the "let's get a new car" part could take over, I dodged. Then, I cussed myself. lol


ANyway, glad you caught it before it was too late. I've set a living room on fire as a 6yr old, had a bathroom catch fire due to a faulty hot water heater, had 1 house burn down right after I moved from it and another burn down while I was at work. There was a volunteer fire dept a couple miles away but it was during the day and they were all at work. Fire dept had to come from 15mi away (4mi of dirt road) to basically water the grass. lol


You'd better find out what caused the fire. It's odd for a socket to just go up. Even if it was an isolated incident do it at least for piece of mind.

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