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Illegal search and seziure on bethel tonight

Trouble Maker

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Something I've noticed a lot is westerville police officers taking old ladies cars apart down around 3 and schrock rd. To me I've always found this very odd. Besides I'm sure all the old ladies had pills on them? Does this mean they get taken downtown?
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Again, I don't see how them stopping traffic and conducting a DUI checkpoint is a violation of our rights. I don't complain when they search my camera bag at football games nor do I care if they run my plates as they cruise behind me. Besides, the little bit of freedom that we give up, could very well save my kids lives. I'll deal with the latter portion of your statement when the entire country finally revolts in war...as I don't see that likely happening anytime soon. I hear a lot of whining, but no action.




How is a DUI Check point not real police work? Should it really have to be a dog and cat game to catch a drunk? It's not like every cop on the road just pulls someone over for a DUI check. They do it in a very organized and usually well advertised fashion, not just anytime they feel like it for no reason.




That's exactly what they are doing. Only they are able to nap drivers who are impaired yet able to use cruise control and maintain driving between the lines, yet can't react quick enough to perhaps stop within a safe distance or react to those around them quick enough. Things that simply observing someone for a short distance may not reveal.


Look, I see your rub. I just happen to agree with the courts that we someitimes need a little inconvenience to nap the bad guys. Warrants for phone taps, restriction of your rights to own a gun if convicted of a crime, etc. make a little stop on your way home from dinner nothing in terms of the big picture.


Tim, we generally agree on a lot of things. In this case we will have to say we dont see eye to eye.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Are you kidding me? An officer stops you just to check you out? hey how about he search's your home "just in case" or checks your computer because "you kinda look like you MIGHT like kiddie porn". Hell why not just sign away all your rights? right?


Hey everyone hates a drunk driver but that doesnt give Officer's the right to stop every single car on the road trying to find the bad ones.



This is America, you gave up certain rights the day you turned 18 and decided to remain a resident of the United states. Sorry bud.




where was i when this thread went down? lol

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