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Another cop enjoying his power


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Cliff notes

Cop wrongfully arrested an ER triage nurse during a peak time. She sat in the back of the squad car for 45 minutes. Her cuffs were so tight she required medical attention after being released.


He should be off duty for a set number of days without pay. And I am happy he is being sued.

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He should be murdered by a group of his peers, then have his entrails strewn carelessly across the hood of his patrol car so long as it takes for the vermin to devour them. Then they could auction off the car, and donate the proceeds to a local youth-based ministry.


Seriously though, jail and job title change.

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He should be murdered by a group of his peers, then have his entrails strewn carelessly across the hood of his patrol car so long as it takes for the vermin to devour them. Then they could auction off the car, and donate the proceeds to a local youth-based ministry.


How about he is in an accident involving his fingers being cut off. He then has to sit in the ER bleeding because the triage nurse is not on duty.


I'm loving it.

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How many cops were there? I must have counted 3 or 4 in that video, not counting security guards. None of them had the sense to tell this guy he was being an idiot? If one police officer witnesses another police officer committing a crime they aren't obligated to stop it?
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This is another prime example of how the cops abuse their power and are unable to control the situation. Ever video like this comes down to the cops not handling their job properly. When they screw up peoples lives are in danger so should they be held to a higher standard, IMO, yes. But what happens, they get a slap on the wrist and their back out there doing it again. Not only should the officer who did this be reprimanded but the officers that let it happen should receive some sort of reprimand as well. The police are supposed to serve and protect the public. Not intimidate and force the public to do what they say. In a situation like this and others where the police over react it’s prime example how they are unable to do their job properly. And don’t give me that BS about them putting their life on the line. If they chose to do that then that’s the decisions they make on their own and I can respect that, but it’s not a pass to bully everyone else around.
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This is another prime example of how the cops abuse their power and are unable to control the situation. Ever video like this comes down to the cops not handling their job properly. When they screw up peoples lives are in danger so should they be held to a higher standard, IMO, yes. But what happens, they get a slap on the wrist and their back out there doing it again. Not only should the officer who did this be reprimanded but the officers that let it happen should receive some sort of reprimand as well. The police are supposed to serve and protect the public. Not intimidate and force the public to do what they say. In a situation like this and others where the police over react it’s prime example how they are unable to do their job properly. And don’t give me that BS about them putting their life on the line. If they chose to do that then that’s the decisions they make on their own and I can respect that, but it’s not a pass to bully everyone else around.


i have to agree on dr phil on this one.

(really though uve been dr philly the last few days lol)

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ive heard other stories about cops arresting nurses for not releasing info to them about the status of a patient when it can obviously be a hipaa violation. could cost the nurse thier license. they usually try the 'obstruction of justice' shit, but it never holds up. i agree with the abuse of power. cuff him too tight and make him wait.
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