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Douche in a TBSS

Solo Vette

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The other day I witnesses a TBSS owner driving like a moron, however I was unable to record it due to a low phone battery. I am just curious.......I have had many Mustangs, and Corvettes, Iroc Z's, Trans Am's, and SRT8 Grand Cherokee, and have never felt the need to pick on anyone that did not initiate or reciprocate the fun in playing. However This idiot must have thought his shit was very fast. Well it may have been fast, but guess what??? It was gay. I normally will never insult someone elses car, but the driving habits of this person were, well noticablby queer. Now I have no clue if said idiot is on CR, however a sticker in the back window is of a CR sponsor.

I have kept this douche in my memory in case I run into him while in one of the Vettes, or the Stang just so I can irritate him.

I understand having a performance car, and having fun with it (that is why we are all here, right?) However, randomly tailgating, and driving like shit, is why we get the bad name.

Discuss? Am I wrong?

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because it is fast. sounds like tommys truck.


ok, so its fast.so that gives him the right to drive like a tool?


Exactly my point, this tool drove like shit at the time in question...Now I am not saying anything about him other than at the point I witnessed him driving, he was driving like a douche. I do not give a crap how fast it is, it does not give him any right. Now I have tried to pick a little race with some people before, and if they are not interested then that's that.


No Rob, you know how I drive anyway, I would not have been driving like said assclown with your shop name on my car.


I guess my point is.....There is a time and a place for such actions, and it is not in the middle of heavy traffic.

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Yep, sounds like Tommy's truck. Where were you at John?


In town, in heavy traffic.


How fast is this thing? !2's 11's? faster I hope that way it will accellerate the GM fail even faster and I won't have to see it again.


Before you jump all over me on the GM comment, I have owned enough to know. Currently LSXless, and headache free.


I was not trying to race him, I was staggered behind him as he kept driving like crap, in a heavy, ugly , SUV.

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You are allowed to drive like a tool as long as you honk three times first.


The only time that is acceptable is if you are testing your automobile to make sure it is in good, working order.


This usually constitutes three honks of the horn as you said, followed by an abrupt 100mph increase in speed. It is a good idea to bring along a cameraman, solely for the purpose of gathering information about your vehicle that may not have made itself readily apparent at the time of the test.

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The only time that is acceptable is if you are testing your automobile to make sure it is in good, working order.


This usually constitutes three honks of the horn as you said, followed by an abrupt 100mph increase in speed. It is a good idea to bring along a cameraman, solely for the purpose of gathering information about your vehicle that may not have made itself readily apparent at the time of the test.


This is very true. Afterwards you must upload the video so that others can inspect your car to assure it in in proper running order. If you get responses such as; OMG!, DAMN!, BADASS!! WOW!...or other capitalized words your car is in good running condition. If you see responses such as; LOL, hahaha your car sucks, why did you post this, wtf, whens vtakkk kicking in, or other negative like comments it means your car needs to be seen by a mechanic to have additional parts added or replaced asap.

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This is very true. Afterwards you must upload the video so that others can inspect your car to assure it in in proper running order. If you get responses such as; OMG!, DAMN!, BADASS!! WOW!...or other capitalized words your car is in good running condition. If you see responses such as; LOL, hahaha your car sucks, why did you post this, wtf, whens vtakkk kicking in, or other negative like comments it means your car needs to be seen by a mechanic to have additional parts added or replaced asap.


Do you have experience in this business?

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Everyone has driven "like an idiot" at some point. Do yourself a favor and forget about the whole "I'll remember who he is" bullshit. Are you going to kick his ass for annoying you? Get the fuck over it and realize that there are a lot of stupid drivers out there.



Hey stupid fuck get out of my kitchen rant. Are you being an e thug?

My point to remembering who he is or the vehicle is so that I can make sure I do not find myself on the same road while he is driving in said manner.

Wow you are a real hardass, you wanna fight by the monkeybars after school? Why would you beat someone up for a lapse in judgement?

Sorry you missed my point. Yes, even I have driven like an idiot, but not in heavy rush hour traffic. That was my point. BTW this thread is kind of along the lines of the texting while driving threads, an annoyance.

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