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Douche in a TBSS

Solo Vette

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You know guys, there was a point here I probably should have made clear, and yes threads like this still happen. So sorry, you make your comments but yet you still read it, and you still posted. My point....When the kids are in the car, and someone is driving like that in HEAVY traffic, my concern is more about others reactions. Now two people out on a desolate road racing are both aware of the things that can happen. When you drive like this in traffic, and some idiot is texting or on their phone and overreacts it can cause a problem. I made a kitchen rant, and someone thought I was making threats...No I wasn't, just let me return the favor sometime their kids are in their car. This was a rant, that is all.
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but yet u see i under stand about u having ur kids in the car but just think when ur late for work and driving like a assclown other people have kids in cars too....... there isnt 1 person that can say they have never NEVER drove like a asshate.. some have said it on here and vids was post saying other wise.... with that being said get the sand out of ur asses
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but yet u see i under stand about u having ur kids in the car but just think when ur late for work and driving like a assclown other people have kids in cars too....... there isnt 1 person that can say they have never NEVER drove like a asshate.. some have said it on here and vids was post saying other wise.... with that being said get the sand out of ur asses


You asshat..

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You know guys, there was a point here I probably should have made clear, and yes threads like this still happen. So sorry, you make your comments but yet you still read it, and you still posted. My point....When the kids are in the car, and someone is driving like that in HEAVY traffic, my concern is more about others reactions. Now two people out on a desolate road racing are both aware of the things that can happen. When you drive like this in traffic, and some idiot is texting or on their phone and overreacts it can cause a problem. I made a kitchen rant, and someone thought I was making threats...No I wasn't, just let me return the favor sometime their kids are in their car. This was a rant, that is all.


Believe me I wish I could smash people everytime i see it. But I know better then to come on CR and post about it.

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