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Kurt Coleman suspended after the fact


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So the NCAA's hot new thing is to be like the whiny ass NFL and punish guys a week later when they watch the film. So Coleman is suspended for next weeks game because of a helmet-to-helmet hit.

This is such bullshit, its a 15 yard penalty, if the refs miss it then oh well.

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So the NCAA's hot new thing is to be like the whiny ass NFL and punish guys a week later when they watch the film. So Coleman is suspended for next weeks game because of a helmet-to-helmet hit.

This is such bullshit, its a 15 yard penalty, if the refs miss it then oh well.


This is just further proof of how fuct america is. We are becoming a nation of crying fatties and reward weakness and failure.


Football is a violent sport deal with it.

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I'm really not too upset by this. Was definitely not needed and he's paying the price for a stupid move by missing a game.


True I am more pissed about the fact football is being weaked by some of these suspensions. His hit was late and bad but what about the kid that tackled Pryor out of bounds and almost into the bench? There is a nice sliding scale for this stuff.


But yes Coleman's hit was pretty stupid and I bet he is running until he pukes for a while on this one.

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It was a dumb ass hit plain and simple. I agree that football has became a game for pussies. QB's are treated like they are gods and can't be touched. My philosophy is if you put football pads on you better expect to get hit. Lucky for tOSU they are playing Indiana this week so I don't think the loss of Coleman hurts too bad. They will be just fine saturday night
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but the guy that tryied to put ower running back in to the beach didnt get shyt yet?? thats gay


Can anyone translate this???


I knew he was going to be suspended the moment it happened. It was totally uncalled for. The guy was down and had two defense players bringing him down. He comes full speed and leads with his helmet. I'm glad he was suspended, it was a stupid play.

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Can anyone translate this???


I knew he was going to be suspended the moment it happened. It was totally uncalled for. The guy was down and had two defense players bringing him down. He comes full speed and leads with his helmet. I'm glad he was suspended, it was a stupid play.


completely agree. shitty move no matter how you slice it. it's not the same as a fight or taking a swing at someone. moves like what he pulled can permanently injure someone. in any sport, that's not cool. we don't need players like him, so I hope he enjoys watching real "team" players.

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I agree it was a bad hit, but when has anyone ever been thrown out of a game for a bad hit. Not even for fights, its just personal fouls, unsportsmanlike. Yet because they looked at it afterwards, they can give more severe punishment, thats what pisses me off.
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Can anyone translate this???


I knew he was going to be suspended the moment it happened. It was totally uncalled for. The guy was down and had two defense players bringing him down. He comes full speed and leads with his helmet. I'm glad he was suspended, it was a stupid play.


can anyone pull my foot out of ur ass?

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Can anyone translate this???


I knew he was going to be suspended the moment it happened. It was totally uncalled for. The guy was down and had two defense players bringing him down. He comes full speed and leads with his helmet. I'm glad he was suspended, it was a stupid play.



Fuck, your aren't worth the time to re-type this:


Yeah, I forgot what a jackass you are over the off season. Lets hope your obsessive hatred for OSU doesn't cause you a heart attack.
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Whether the hit was stupid or not is irrelevant. This new rule is waaayyy too open. I have a bad feeling about it. It allows too few too much 'ultimatum' power. Not to mention, I feel it's only a matter of time before it's abused in some form or other. We had a convo about this Sat while watching a game. Shit, there seemed to be a lot bad officiating this past weekend.
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just throwing this out there.. would anyone feel differently about the hit if the guy would have gotten hurt? does that matter? or do you really think this suspension will prevent it in the future?


If the kid would have been hurt they would have booted him longer maybe. No it won't make any difference people are still going to throw late hits and hard hits.


Another wrinkle is the piss poor tackles in the NFL and now in NCAA from guys. Everybody wants a highlight reel hit and that leads to poor form, missed tackles and this crap.

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Didn't one of Illinois' players take a swing at Pryor? Or was that at Boom?


The DB who dragged Pryor down 5 yards out of bounds, into the bench on our sideline got up and threw a punch at a helmet-less Scott Sika (walk-on OL). He missed because he's a loser but he should have gotten something for sure.


The kid Coleman hit was on the field of play, the whistle hadn't blown and the kid he hit was still on the way down. Plus the majority of the contact was at the QB's chest and the crown of Coleman's helmet knocked the bottom of the QB's facemask jolting his head backwards. Since Coleman lowered his head the way he did he was probably at greater risk for injury than the QB.

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The DB who dragged Pryor down 5 yards out of bounds, into the bench on our sideline got up and threw a punch at a helmet-less Scott Sika (walk-on OL). He missed because he's a loser but he should have gotten something for sure.


The kid Coleman hit was on the field of play, the whistle hadn't blown and the kid he hit was still on the way down. Plus the majority of the contact was at the QB's chest and the crown of Coleman's helmet knocked the bottom of the QB's facemask jolting his head backwards. Since Coleman lowered his head the way he did he was probably at greater risk for injury than the QB.

this is what i was talking about.... for the one that wanted to be a asshat
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this is what i was talking about.... for the one that wanted to be a asshat


I agree on the Pryor play, what you can punch someone? No look at what happened at the Oregon Boise St. game. You can't punch someone.


Now the only thing I might say in Coleman's defense is this.....The player that was hit was on top of another player from the angle I saw, and yes the whistle hadn't blown yet, so technically from my football experience the ball was still in play. Was it a rough hit, yes, does it deserve the suspension, well the NCAA thought so. Just one of those issues that raises alot of questions.

The player had not touched the ground at the point of Coleman's contact, the whistles had not blown yet, so the ball was still in play.


Hey someone just tell Coleman to get up and punch someone on the sidelines next time.

Oh and I am not an OSU fan, but come on, you cannot call it one way and not the other.

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i challenge any one of you to take a helmet to helmet hit when you're down and not desire a little bit more protection, from the rules or from a suspension to make everyone see the rules are there to protect players.


doesn't matter what happened to pryor, coleman's hit doesn't need context. helmet-to-helmet puts both players in danger, or have you not seen this video:




0:25 is where you see boldin get his face pulverized.



edit: also, Coleman put that hit on a QB. a backup, and in the open field, but a QB nonetheless. its a protected position whether you agree with it or not.

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i challenge any one of you to take a helmet to helmet hit when you're down and not desire a little bit more protection, from the rules or from a suspension to make everyone see the rules are there to protect players.


doesn't matter what happened to pryor, coleman's hit doesn't need context. helmet-to-helmet puts both players in danger, or have you not seen this video:




0:25 is where you see boldin get his face pulverized.



edit: also, Coleman put that hit on a QB. a backup, and in the open field, but a QB nonetheless. its a protected position whether you agree with it or not.


i 100%agree with u it was uncalled for BUT the pryor play he hit pryor after he was out of bounds just miss the bench and then swong at him yes the player got a flag 15 yards but still got to play and we arent hearing about in the news and they are both QB and both was running the ball



the way i look at it if u run the ball ur fair game u dont see the flags and sus.. for the same shyt on a WR or running backs

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